The American media cannot NOT lie

Most recent Time magazine cover which purposely misleads the viewer about the truth involving “refugee” and “asylum” illegals, placing the blame, as you can see, “at the feet of President Donald Trump.” An abject lie.

They lack the capability any more. They prove it time and again. Monthly. Weekly, Daily. Some lies are bigger than others. Some are lies of omission. Some are purposely deceptive such as the photograph above.

At a time when they must be more ethical, more accurate, more unbiased and jam-gepacked with probity — the American Media Maggots continue to move in the opposite direction. Precisely in lockstep with the Demorats and Leftists.

Listen, watch and learn.


Crying migrant girl on TIME magazine cover was not separated from mother, family says

by Adam Shaw

A little girl shown in a viral photo crying as a U.S. Border Patrol agent detained her mother – and used by TIME magazine to symbolize the Trump administration’s family separation policy – reportedly was never separated from her mom.

“Welcome to America,” declared a somber TIME cover, which showed the picture of the Honduran child Yanela Sanchez next to a towering President Trump.

TIME, which is standing by the cover despite the new information, originally called it “an image America could not ignore” and interviewed the photographer, as did other outlets. TIME followed up with another article entirely about the cover and “the story behind” it.

Please see my first two paragraphs above. Confirmed by Time. They cannot not lie. They completely lack the capability. They don’t possess that gene. Then Time doubled down on their naked half truths with more bias. Odd. Just as the Demorats and Leftists are doing.

Multiple outlets interviewed the father of the girl behind the iconic image, and he said he had learned that his two-year-old daughter was detained with her mother at a facility in Texas, and the two were not separated at all. The Honduran government confirmed his version of events to Reuters.

The Washington Post reported that the mother, Sandra Sanchez, had previously been deported in 2013 to Honduras. Her husband told the Post that she left without telling him she was taking Yanela with her and couldn’t contact her. But then he saw the picture on the news.

“You can imagine how I felt when I saw that photo of my daughter. It broke my heart. It’s difficult as a father to see that, but I know now that they are not in danger. They are safer now than when they were making that journey to the border,” Denis Javier Varela Hernandez told The Daily Mail.

The bottom line is: the publishing of Time magazine’s cover was a deliberate attempt to mainstream the idea that only President Trump is responsible for separating children from parents at our border, and only President Trump threw foil blankets at children and kept them behind chain link fences. Both are lies.

Articles the LDAMM don’t wish you to read or know about, to include:

There are many more stories of this nature.

The continuing hypocrisy — not just with this issue but, literally, any other issue involving President Trump — is that, pick one, they’ve been ignored under the previous 8 year Obama Administration.

And that they’ve only somehow magically become significant issues now.

Important Safety Tip to the American Media Maggots: learn the First Rule of Holes.

You will cease being called Fake News when you stop printing and promoting news that is false. A lie. You know: fake. Half-truths won’t cut it. Doubling down on what you wrongly did, printed or showed won’t cut it.

You’re just like the FBI now these days. Stop your whining. No one trusts you. You brought the situation upon yourselves. It’s up to you to fix things. No one else.

Suck it up, buttercup.

Get to work.



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3 thoughts on “The American media cannot NOT lie

    • They won’t. They are contributing to their — Demorats — own demise this November when, historically, the party NOT sitting in the White House easily takes back seats.

      Won’t be so damned easy now.


  1. This over-sensitivity and just plain making up facts to fit the narrative is going to ruin this country if people aren’t quick to spot and make our media and politicians accountable for what they are doing. I literally can’t have a discussion with any fellow lawyer without checking my white male privilege (WTF that is I’m still waiting to see) political preferences, and plain old common sense at the door and calculating what the other party may do in retaliation for a perceived offense of the SJW code.

    This only seems to apply to conservatives and libertarian minded people, and even classical “liberals or moderates” with half a brain.
    If you are in the lib club, it gives you the right to:
    1. Blame EVERYTHING on Trump, flat out slander and politically witch hunt President Trump using every piece of legal machinery available.
    2. Blame anyone who even has one good thing to say about Trump’s policies and ostracise that person from the general community.
    3. Lie your ass off, virtue signal, act stupid, incite riots (Maxine Watters) and just plain harass political figures and State authorities (like AG Pam Bondi) who have nothing to do with Trump’s policies at the Border.
    4. Never question anyone on the left unless it becomes politically correct (or expedient) to do so. See how long the bleeding heart left to view Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, etc in a negative light despite everything that is known years before about them.
    5. Degrade Women and children through funding of and virtue signaling for Planned Parenthood/ Murderhood, welcoming Jihadists into America and Canada.

    I could go on. As I was once told by a local trial Court Judge/ Former USAF Major: Liberals get dumber and dumber over time. . . . I’ve come to appreciate this truth, and fear the stupidity, greed, and lying (with “appropriate” violent attacks will be the thing that will bring this country to a screeching halt. Even Trump can’t fix that level of stupidity, and he sure shouldn’t be blamed for it. Neither should any other American.

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