The empty chair:

First, we saw this wonderful cartoon from Michael Ramirez:

[And please note, if you will, the type of chair it is.]

Then we saw this cover from The New Yorker:


I think not.

Leftists are displeased.

And polls aren’t going well for The One: 49% to 45%.

More importantly: a week after the first debate.  What’s that about?




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10 thoughts on “The empty chair:

    • And, further, WSF — creating their “excuses” up front. . .

      As in: “Obama didn’t quite get the election because ______.”


  1. I have been driving around town in my pick-up, with an “empty chair” in the bed.
    You would be amazed as the number of “honks and thumbs up” I get.
    Of Course my town here in Texas is GUN BARREL CITY,TX and this may sway the number of thumbs up I get.

    • Actually, considering your veracity and your determination, I quite wouldn’t be surprised, sir.

      OTOH, Tejas is NOT Fornicalia.


  2. Those are both get toons and reflect the debate well. Yep, the polls are going Mitt’s way at this time, but R & R need to keep up the pressure, because Obugger and gang will not let up. I wondering if Obama is planning some kind of October surprise, like blowing up some camels in the Libyan desert and then declaring a great victory over terrorism.

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