The unreported reverse racism marches on:

Delbert-BeltonCheck this out.  It is a race crime, plain and simple.

Un- or -under reported?  Naturally.  The race of the suspects plastered up front, early in the article, as it would have been had the suspects been white and the victim black?

Of course not.


Patrick Buchanan weighs in here.



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7 thoughts on “The unreported reverse racism marches on:

  1. This is beyond sad. Again, no outrage by any political leaders. Why not? Where’s the DOJ and their hate crime unit? Where the bloody HELL is obama? Why doesn’t the media ask why he doesn’t come out and condemn these two murders this week?
    Is ‘random’ the new word for hate crime?
    Here’s a thought. If obayme wants to ban guns cause they lead to murders, then I say ban black teens cause they sure as hell do too. Ban them back to africa, they so want to be ‘african’.
    Bring back segregation. We were better off before.

    • These incidents simply are not in keeping with the mandated racist narrative from DC and, as such, these events are to be ignored.

      I really don’t think it’s more complicated than that. Reverse racism is alive and well, aided and abetted by the Racist-In-Chief and by the Attorney Racist.


  2. Obama only comments on crimes that will stir up hate for white people in the black community. He is the racist!

    • Precisely true.

      Obama’s munificence in a “post racial presidency”? The easing of racial tensions?

      I’d submit that Mr Obama has done the opposite by continuing to fan racial flames and holding blacks unresponsible for their own racist actions.


  3. The worst racism is perpetuated by the Main Stream Maggots and Progressives; the unstated belief that blacks can’t be held to the same standard as white’s. If blacks are committing crimes some tolerance is warranted because, “Theys got to eat.” Violence against whites? Payback for, “centuries of oppression.”

    What a punch in the gut for a black man or woman who has “made it” by the sweat of their brow.

    In most parts of the country, it is still not socially acceptable to be, “white trash.” Not so for blacks.

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