What has Obama actually accomplished? NOTHING!

And this video displays that fact in a way few other words or pictures can:

Mr Obama is clearly mouthing the same empty platitudes he did back in 2008.  He’s back with “promise” after “promise.”

He “promises” once again.

But what has he actually delivered?

The only difference?  Mr Obama’s hair exhibits just a bit more gray.

In the meantime, back at the ranch, Romney now takes the edge in “favorability.”

Gallup: 51% to 46%, Romney.

Rasmussen: 50% to 46%, Romney.

Obama supporters continue to threaten Romney with death, backed by riots.

In a global poll, Obama is massively ahead.  That said, I couldn’t care less what Europe thinks of the United States, nor any other country for that matter.  If Europe, for example, so elevates and adores Mr Obama then they can have him, and I suggest he move immediately — upon his defeat — to another continent.

Which he won’t do, of course, because he won’t place his very narrow ass where his mouth trots.

Mr Obama’s “doctrine“?  Here is the actual “Obama Doctrine“:

Embolden our enemies. Undermine our friends. Diminish our country.

I used to think that my former governor, Gray Davis, was the emptiest of political empty suits.

Mr Obama has since taken that title by leaps and bounds.

Empty Suit: thy name IS Barack HUSSEIN Obama.


I’m not cocky; I’m confident.  Mr Obama is a one term president.



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15 thoughts on “What has Obama actually accomplished? NOTHING!

  1. Once had almost daily contact with a Indian (from India) lady who spoke long and earnestly about what was wrong with the USA and what we should be doing. She was extremely upset and offended when I started talking about her country. My view of World opinion? Kiss my USA ass.

    October 7th we will be celebrating or preparing (more). I hope I’m celebrating.

  2. Obama made promises that weren’t kept, not even close, and he wants 4 more years to make *IT*, whatever the hell *IT* is, happen…

    One and done.. O.M.G. Obama Must Go!

  3. What a visionary! He was 4 years ahead of his time. He was right, we need change–not back then, RIGHT (pun intended) NOW!!

    I agree, he doesn’t like the job, but he LOVES the perks. Where else can you have free use of Air Force 1, a free beautiful house, all the free staff anyone could possibly want, all the free vacations for the wifey and kiddies that they have time for, 100 golf outings, bennies for LIFE, body guards for life, and whatever they can steal from the White House when they leave? F###ing disgusting “Affirmative Action President!!!!!”

    • You’re correct; all the perks and none of the works. Because actually, when you think about it, the job is simply BENEATH him. To have to actually ANSWER to people — ?? Absolutely BENEATH him.


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