What we already knew about Obama: uninvolved, uninterested

From the WeeklyStandard.com:

Democrats Privately Calling Obama ‘Detached,’ ‘Flat Footed,’ ‘Incompetent’

by Daniel Halper

CNN’s John King reports that Democrats are privately calling President Obama “detached,” “flat footed,” and “incompetent.”

Let’s let the video and CNN actually speak for itself:

Sometimes the truth actually bleeds through.

Obama will go down as the worst president in the history of the United States.  According so some damned-near traitorous Leftists:

“And what more and more Democrats are saying privately is scathing, calling the president and his team detached, flat footed, even incompetent.”

I would also add: self-involved, non-interested, naive, arrogant and narcissistic.



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8 thoughts on “What we already knew about Obama: uninvolved, uninterested

  1. I see. Racists for calling Mr Obama “detached, flat-footed and incompetent”?

    Those kinds of racists?


  2. I don’t really give a damn what democrats say privately. It’s all bs. If they truly care about this country and not about their own personal self interests, they need to say these things out loud in public and with no apologizing afterwards. They need to ‘grow a spine’ . The media need to ‘grow a spine’. For too long they have failed to do anything at all to hold this WH accountable for its actions or inactions. They have aided and abetted whatever this occupier wanted to do. THEY have labeled anyone critical of obama as a racist. They have tried to stifle open discourse. And NOW the scales are falling from their eyes? Ha. While it is nice to hear there is dissatisfaction in the ranks, until one of these democrats has the guts to say these things out loud it means nothing.

  3. Of course. Hasn’t that been the mantra of the democratic party for the past seven years? Only racists opposed Obama. Funny, now that he has become a liability for the mid-terms, it’s ok to question his ability. In secret of course.

    People used to laugh at me when I said that after the dust settled, history would view Obama as a much worse president than G.W. Bush. They are not laughing any more.

    It used to be that Obama’s critics believed he had no substance, that he was a great politician, but a lousy leader. Now even his political ability is being called into question.

    Guilt is a lousy platform to elect a president on.

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