4 thoughts on “White House: CIs, Spygate, an FBI informant and Alan Dershowitz

    • Of course; the Demorats exist but to be cheerleaders for insolent corruptors like Strzok. Isn’t it odd that, for years and years, the LDAMM hated the FBI. Now they are truly in love.


      • Isn’t it odd that some people loved the FBI for years and now they hate them?

        And in case you missed this piece of eloquence:
        “‘We would make a great deal with the United Kingdom because they have product that we like. I mean they have a lot of great product. They make phenomenal things, you know, and you have different names – you can say “England”, you can say “UK”, you can say “United Kingdom” so many different – you know you have, you have so many different names – Great Britain. I always say: “Which one do you prefer? Great Britain? You understand what I’m saying?’

        • Why do I dislike them? I was “them.” I dislike them because they have corrupted the agency from the top with intolerance and bias. I love cops. I’m the first one to call them out when they don’t perform properly.

          Yes, many names. My wife, for example, has damned near ten different names just for one dog.


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