Why you voted for Trump — and what they really think of you

The 2020 elections are next year.

The LDAMM — Leftists, Demorats and the American Media Maggots — think your eyes are off the ball. They think you don’t matter. No. Wait, In their minds they know you don’t matter. If you don’t occupy a massive American Rat Cage — a large urban city — as far as the LDAMM are concerned: you don’t count. You are nothing. You hinder them. Your vote means nothing. Your thoughts or wishes are less than significant.

Watch. And please be reminded of the arrogance, indifference and dismissiveness of the LDAMM.

You don’t count, suburbans. You don’t count, American Taxpayers. You don’t count, those who hold religion dear. You don’t count, people who believe in the Founding Fathers and the US Constitution, Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence.

Your stupid aborted infants need to die. Who fights for tissue? Your stupid Bible needs to die as well. Outdated values, outdated thoughts. Guns, God and all your stupid backward ways.

Play it again. And then this, from Barack Hussein Obama.

The LDAMM believed it then. And they believe it now. You’re intellectually inferior to Leftists. You don’t possess the brain power. You lack the ability to recognize their erudite, cultured and superior views and arguments.

They believe that you are weak, disinterested, distracted and indifferent.




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2 thoughts on “Why you voted for Trump — and what they really think of you

  1. Yes, they hate us and everything about us. And they no longer try to hide this contempt.

    Just ask Hillary how redeemable we all are. We are scum.

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