Per the media, Ferguson is now an “atrocity.”

Outrage In Missouri Town After Police Shooting Of 18-Yr-Old ManOnce again, the American Media Maggots sitting in Leftist judgment of an incident prior to the facts coming in. now says that the Ferguson shooting was an “atrocity.”

Atrocity: noun. 1. an extremely wicked or cruel act, typically involving physical violence or injury, as in “war atrocities.”

The Coming Race War Won’t Be About Race

by Kareen Abdul-Jabbar

Ferguson is not just about systemic racism — it’s about class warfare, and how America’s poor are held back.

Will the recent rioting in Ferguson, Missouri, be a tipping point in the struggle against racial injustice, or will it be a minor footnote in some future grad student’s thesis on Civil Unrest in the Early Twenty-First Century?

A brief insertion here.  My wife happens to have a home in Ghetto Central, in a large city in Fornicalia.  She has had it for many years and could not move.  I am the only Caucasoid in the area for quite some distance, because I love her and married her.  The people here come and go.  Most if not all of the homes here are rentals.  I know that because when one family or concentration of people leaves, the FOR RENT sign goes up.

The people who come in have cars, motorcycles, cell phones, audio equipment, boats, trailers, pets, and few jobs apparently.  I see some of the women leaving on a daily basis, but few if any of the men.  The thin dude in the hoodie four doors down slings dope.  Why is the area considered poor?  Because both the city and the county say it is, and the nation says it is.

This is an area to be avoided.  Cars scream past on the street and you don’t want to be here on either New Year’s or the 4th of July when the gunfire doesn’t stop for hours like downtown Beirut and the dogs cower under the bed and howl.  The nights are mixed with distant gunfire, the sound of cop helos flying overhead and sirens exhibiting the Doppler Effect.

Jabbar continues with his article:

And, unless we want the Ferguson atrocity to also be swallowed and become nothing more than an intestinal irritant to history, we have to address the situation not just as another act of systemic racism, but as what else it is: class warfare.

Yes, says Jabbar, Ferguson is an atrocity, right up there with war.

For Leftists who swear they abhor labels, thanks for the label, sir.

A lot of black cops work for me and have worked for me and with me.  So do a bunch of Vietnamese cops, Japanese cops, Mexican cops and most recently, Laotian cops.  I have a dude whose last name I can barely pronounce.  I call him “Dr O” and he digs it.

But if so terribly oppressed and tread-upon, just how is it that the black cops who work for me have succeeded because — after all — I have the ability to utilize the Progressive Discipline toolkit when their behavior needs modification?  If “their” performance — like anyone else on the department — is inferior, I have the ability to instigate various forms of investigations ranging from friendly reminders right up to termination.

That said, I see the actual display of “poverty” every day: on duty at work, from my department’s vehicles and in its jails — and off duty at home in my wife’s neighborhood.  I don’t just write cavalierly about it, I experience it every damned day I work.  I live in it.

So for all of you people who write about poverty from a nice and comfortable distance, and have no idea what it really entails in America, how it actually exists, and what those occupants in “poor” neighborhoods really do or don’t do, what they have and don’t have, how they work or don’t work — why don’t you just take a nice, big steaming cup of Shut The Fuck Up.



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8 thoughts on “Per the media, Ferguson is now an “atrocity.”

  1. Young Mr. Brown learned the same lesson as Trevon Martin; do stupid shit, win stupid prizes.
    Once again people with an agenda rush to judgement based on their “feelings”, and to hell with facts.
    Alcindor worked as hard as any person to achieve his success. His good fortune to be born in a country where this is possible, to freely practice his religion, and to change his name to reflect that religion he doesn’t acknowledge.
    Most everyone who wasn’t a lucky sperm to be born into wealth has worked their ass off to achieve their place, Those who don’t work, but are able to work, are parasites. Please, name me any mammal species on this earth, other than
    humanoids, that tolerates loafers.

  2. Agendas do have a lot to do with preposterous acts, and this is one of them. Maybe Ferguson is poor, does being poor give anyone the right to not only disrespect others, but invoke anarchy and hold an entire community under the thumb of fear? To both of these I say NO, they don’t have a right to buck the rule of law and the rules of decency and morality. There have always been poor people, there will always be poor people, but being poor doesn’t mean not having dignity. I grew up poor and worked hard to not be. I don’t look down on anyone having hard times, I look down on someone who can help their self but don’t. The media isn’t looking at the big picture, they are busy sensationalizing an incident, thereby fueling a fire, and the people in the community condone it for the most part. I see the news coverage, and I see lots of hands being held out for free cheese, and it doesn’t have anything to do with color. It’s part attitude and part what they’ve been taught growing up.
    We see Michael Brown being an outright bully robbing a convenience store for some cheap cigars. Why did he do it? Because he thought he could get away with it. He strong armed the clerk, it is obvious on the tape. Where are the Jacksons and Sharptons to decry this act?
    The bottom line seems to be “Give us more free cheese and we might behave.”

  3. This priceless comment from Al Sharpton ” “The tape I saw,” Sharpton continued. ” A young man who may have been shoplifting. There’s a difference between robbing and shoplifting.”
    So much for the black leadership supporting law and order. This is a root cause of much of what is going on today. IMO.

  4. Much of this has been caused by outside agitators. City has been invaded by The Communist Party, Black Panthers, motorcycle gangs, race hustlers and any and all looking for a fight and free stuff. Had the local, county or state govts the balls to issues a “looters will be shot on sight” order what’s been going on in Ferguson would have been over in 24hrs after a few of these yahoos were dropped.

  5. Agendas… And it knocked all the scandals off the front page… THAT is the atrocity as far as I’m concerned… He did stupid stuff and paid… dearly in this case…

    • Wholeheartedly agree! Nary a word about the illegal immigration issue and nary a mention of the VA. Just waiting to see if our hero uses this ‘crisis’ to sneak in an EO granting amnesty. Remember, boys and girls and transgenders of all persuasions: never let a crisis go to waste.

  6. The rioters do not want to learn anything.
    They love to “howl” and shout.
    Why, because they were NOT raised from babies to respect anything.
    Language, sanitation, work ethic, graduate from high school, etc. means nothing to them.
    They want to be on the streets, day and night.
    Don’t need to work at a job if everything has been furnished to them.
    Hang out and screw “whitey every chance they get.
    I’ve had a gut full of them over my many years, and stay far away from any association or parts of town where they live.

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