Nothing says “disrespect” like jeans at a NY City police officer funeral

DeBlasio Funeral DisrespectThe wife of NYC Mayor William deBlasio at the funeral for a NYPD officer.

You do the math on this one.



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5 thoughts on “Nothing says “disrespect” like jeans at a NY City police officer funeral

    • DeBlasio is a tool. An admitted Socialist tool. He dislikes law enforcement and has from the beginning. His wife is nothing but a reflection of that.


  1. Frankly, everything in this picture is wrong. Of course, to wear jeans to a funeral, is not at all respectful, or appropriate. To do so as the spouse of the mayor, is even more of a sign of a deliberate lack of respect and decorum. What about the lady behind the mayor. Is she family? The one who is wearing her sneakers and who ALSO looks like she would rather be playing Bingo, or be home watching BET? Then there is the mayor. What is with the cheap looking suit and purple tie? Is that the best he can do? OBVIOUSLY he doesn’t wear the pants in his marriage and OBVIOUSLY he doesn’t mind his spouse coming in her dungarees. He does not look very sad either. In fact, he looks like he is mentally preparing his latest speech to insult and put down the hard-working officers that put their lives on the line every day, despite enduring a hostile work environment.

    NYC is my hometown. I grew up knowing many officers. They deserve better!

  2. DeBlasio is a piece of crap. A turd that cannot be picked up by it’s clean end.
    NYC present politics absolutely deserves him, and can keep him there.

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