Holder’s DOJ: call to rat out George Zimmerman as a racist

Eric Holder RacistJust call 1 (800) RAT OUT GEORGE and you too can assist Attorney General Eric Holder in creating a fabricated case against George Zimmerman, now that he has been acquitted criminally in Florida.

From Breitbart’s Big Government:

DOJ Asks Civil Rights Groups, General Public for ‘Tips’ on Zimmerman

On Monday afternoon, the US Department of Justice appealed to civil rights groups and the general public across the country for “tips” on George Zimmerman in their pursuit of potential federal civil rights charges against the just-acquitted defendant in the Trayvon Martin killing. The DOJ actually went so far as to set up an e-mail address to allow such tips: Sanford.florida@usdoj.gov. The email address is slated to go operational by the end of the week.

What do you think would have happened had Attorney General William Barr decided to pursue O.J. Simpson in this fashion, following Simpson’s acquittal in Los Angeles?

Do you suspect that cries of “racist” and “race baiting” would have issued long and loudly from elements on the Left?

Let us not forget, however, that the Race Pimps say that to even criticize Eric Holder is a racist act in and of itself.


Perhaps you should listen to what this man has to say, from the New Black Panther voter intimidation incident in 2008:

Here is Detroit, Michigan weighing in on the Zimmerman verdict:

Fuck Zimmerman Banner In Detroit



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8 thoughts on “Holder’s DOJ: call to rat out George Zimmerman as a racist

  1. All Holder is doing is proving that he, himself, is a racist and wants to keep the fire burning in the black community. Never let a crisis (created by race baiting and the media) go to waste. Time for a change at the top of the good old DOJ.

    • Bigots and racists like Holder PROFIT monetarily from this kind of thing, stoking the fire and fanning the flames and pouring gasoline as much as possible.

      It keeps them in office and keeps them in power and makes them MONEY.

      They are the lowest of the low.


  2. Holder and the rest of that corrupt gang no longer even care about appearances. Unless they can figure a way to get the Lightbringer a third term, their time is running out. They din’t give a shit because they don’t have to.

    Say, God forbid, Hillary wins in 2016. Think she will keep any of them around? The same people who did nothing to help her with her campaign debt don’t have a friend in her.

    • Frankly, WSF, I don’t see much more than a Hillary presidency for 2016. The GOP is comprised of limp-wristed girls whose only fight is predominantly for what they can get added to their paychecks. They speak and emit hot air and that’s the end of it. All words and little action. History has proven that, even when they HAVE power they are AFRAID to actually wield it.

      And yes, Hillary will clean house.


  3. If they want tips I say give them tips: There has been an investigation, GZ is not guilty, get over it; looking for a racist actions…investigate the AG; stop pandering to those who are too immature, stupid or racist to accept a legal verdict; stop wasting the taxpayers money; if you want to investigate something racist how about the NBP; they have a bounty out on GZ, whatcha doing about that, do you think that is legal; want racist action how about voter intimidation… and so forth.
    Flood that damn site until they take it down.

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