AG Eric Holder is hospitalized; will Hillary Clinton’s health cause her not to run?

Hillary Clinton TiredFirst, Eric Holder was hospitalized for a short time this morning in DC for dizziness and shortness of breath; he has since been discharged.

Then, from The Daily Caller:

“Whispers persist that Hillary won’t run: Health may be worse than disclosed

by Alex Pappas

If you listen to the chattering class in Washington, D.C., Hillary Clinton is a virtual certainty for the 2016 Democratic nomination, and the front-runner in the next presidential race.

But in private, rumors persist that the former Secretary of State may not even be capable of making it to Iowa and New Hampshire. Clinton, these skeptics often say, will not run for president again because of health concerns.

Tactical question: if so, then who would the Demorats pick as a substitute for Clinton?  Your thoughts?



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8 thoughts on “AG Eric Holder is hospitalized; will Hillary Clinton’s health cause her not to run?

  1. Were I a good Christian fellow full of love and compassion, I would hope both stay in good health. Alas, I’m not. I will read their death notices with pleasure.

    No Hillary? Rahl Emanuel wants the job.

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