Obama an “empty suit” — even Progressives agree now

Obama & a Little FascismFrom CommonDreams.org, a “Progressive” organ for the Left, “Building Progressive Community”:

What the Hell is Barack Obama’s Presidency For?

His ascent to power had meaning, but now his interventions are too rare and too piecemeal to constitute a narrative

Barack Obama has now been in power for longer than Johnson was, and the question remains: “What the hell’s his presidency for?” His second term has been characterised by a profound sense of drift in principle and policy. While posing as the ally of the immigrant he is deporting people at a faster clip than any of his predecessors; while claiming to be a supporter of labour he’s championing trade deals that will undercut American jobs and wages. In December, even as he pursued one whistleblower, Edward Snowden and kept another, Chelsea Manning, incarcerated, he told the crowd at Nelson Mandela’s funeral: “There are too many leaders who claim solidarity with Madiba’s struggle for freedom, but do not tolerate dissent from their own people.

If there was a plot, he’s lost it. If there was a point, few can remember it. If he had a big idea, he shrank it. If there’s a moral compass powerful enough to guide such contradictions to more consistent waters, it is in urgent need of being reset.

Call me wacky, but I suspect the only plot possessed by Obama was to “fundamentally transform America.”  He’s been doing an admirable job of same.

And yet, as I have out-pointed numerous times, Mr Obama is insufficiently left for the Left.

Still and all, I tend to find this rather amusing.


Thanks to Frank for the h/t.


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3 thoughts on “Obama an “empty suit” — even Progressives agree now

  1. Dick Morris says his strategy with Executive Orders is to keep the press covering him daily. His poll numbers have been going up, probably from his base.

    The question I can’t find an answer, are his Executive Orders actually being implemented? Doubt they are. As his base finds out, more and more, he is mainly bullshit, his approval rating will drop to match Congress’ approval ratings.

    • Ruling by fiat. And conveniently changing bills when it suits. Ignoring certain laws and refusing to enforce our border security.


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