Cher goes to Jupiter

“Elections have consequences, and at the end of the day, I won.” – President Obama to House Republican Whip Eric Cantor, January 23, 2009

Yes, Mr Obama, they certainly do. You reminded America of that numerous times.

And with that, here is a partial list I have of Leftists who are not only leaving the United States but the planet as well. Can we urge them to take action on this a bit faster?

  • Cher: she’s going to Jupiter;
  • Al Sharpton: he just wants to leave;
  • Whoopi Goldberg: “Maybe it’s time for me to move, you know. I can afford to go.”
  • Bryan Cranston: “I would definitely move.”
  • Spike Lee: he’s gone;
  • Samuel L. Jackson: “If that motherfucker becomes president, I’m moving my black ass to South Africa.”
  • Amy Schumer: “My act will change because I will need to learn to speak Spanish. Because I will move to Spain or somewhere. It’s beyond my comprehension if Trump won.”
  • Barbra Streisand: she wants to go to Australia or Canada if Trump wins. Hold that thought.

Pack your bags and go, Leftists. Time’s a-wasting. Chop-chop! Stat!

Want to know what is glorious beyond comprehension? The Canadian immigration website crashed late last night. Why? From

Canada immigration website crashes as Trump clinches victory

Canada’s immigration website has crashed as Americans watched Donald Trump take the lead and then win the US election.

Searches for “move to Canada” and “immigrate to Canada” spiked on Tuesday night as election returns started favouring the Republican nominee.

The website for Citizenship and Immigration Canada was down at the same time, and has suffered several outages since. 

New Zealand has also reported an increased traffic to its website for residency visas from US nationals on the eve of the vote.

Perfect. And don’t forget to take the people listed above with you, all you smarmy little elitists, because here’s what happened. The unwashed, the commoners, the proles, groundling, serfs, got tired of being looked down upon by the political “superiors” who know better than they do how to spend their money, run their lives and what to say and think.

Elections do have consequences and I shall be documenting them further in posts to come.



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5 thoughts on “Cher goes to Jupiter

  1. I think the lot of them need to go, the sooner the better. That goes for anyone who is here that doesn’t want to be an American. Go, I say, and don’t let the doorknob hit you in the arse on the way out. Slam the door if you like.

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