Democrats: confirm any Obama nomination

Democrats are strident about ensuring confirmation of any candidate that Barack Hussein Obama nominates for justice, as a replacement for Antonin Scalia.  Hillary Clinton is saying “the Republicans in the Senate and on the campaign trail who are calling for Justice Scalia’s seat to remain vacant dishonor our Constitution.  The Senate has a constitutional responsibility here that it cannot abdicate for partisan political reasons.”

In other words: hurry up and fill the position with a Leftist in order to skew SCOTUS to the left for decades to come.

Isn’t it odd, then, that Chuck Schumer absolutely insisted that “we should not confirm any Bush nominee except in extraordinary circumstances” in 2007?

Pot and kettle?  Rammpant Leftist hypocrisy anyone?



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4 thoughts on “Democrats: confirm any Obama nomination

  1. Just more Commie speak from the Communist Party… Democrat Party. GOP needs to tell them to “kiss my ass” as a new justice won’t be appointed till a new POTUS is elected. Since when did this group of so called Democrats give a damn about the Constitution. Trump 2016!

    • Whether or not there are full scale riots in the GOP will depend on how they handle this issue. SCOTUS is absolutely critical.


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