Eric Holder sets ADA Nazis on Sacramento Public Library:

And he can also purposely choose to not prosecute Black Panthers who intimidated voters in Philadelphia because of their rmelanin counts.

But even more importantly, Mr Holder’s DOJ has decided it’s critical to go after a public library for loaning E-book readers.  No kidding.


The U.S. Justice Department says it has reached a settlement with the Sacramento (California) Public Library over a trial program the library was conducting that let patrons borrow Barnes and Noble NOOK e-book readers.

DOJ and the National Federation of the Blind objected to the program on grounds that blind people could not use the NOOK e-readers for technological reasons.

So because a blind person cannot use a NOOK, it’s time to make sure that NO ONE in a Sacramento public library can use a NOOK?

In the land of Mr Holder’s DOJ, the answer is short: correct.

Your friendly, neighborhood ADA Nazis, once again, at work.

Please check my related posts:

The ADA Nazis again at work.

Let “Poolmageddon” Commence.

ADA Shakedown Nazis Strike Again.

The Squeeze Inn gets squozed by the ADA.

And friends, please remember, when people say “Hey, it’s not about the cash!” — you can rest assured it is ALL about the CASH, at least with Scott Johnson.




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