8 thoughts on “Here is the understanding and grace of Obama supporters:

  1. Had someone done that to me — they would be awakening from the floor, staring at the ceiling.

    That was an amazingly, amazingly tolerant crowd. And who would have expected this from someone that old? Answer: someone “in the tank” for Obama and frightened by all the scare tactics utilized via the Obama campaign.

    Again, Mr Obama successful at being DIVISIVE instead of UNITING.


  2. Civil.
    It’s breaking down.
    People are frustrated and feel hopeless. They voted for hope and change, and got a lump of coal for Christmas. And the sad thing is, no matter who’s elected in November, the economy will get worse, and so will everything that comes with the loss of civility.
    The writing is on the wall. How many are paying attention?

  3. It’s not BAD yet folks… Just wait, the MORONS are going to show themselves at BOTH conventions, GOP and Dem… Panthers, Occupy, Nation of Islam, Code Pink, who knows who else… And it’s going to get NASTY, I mean bloody, violent, nasty… Think Chicago Democratic Convention 1968, and then multiply that several times over.

    I believe this is a planned event, an act of anarchy solely designed to allow some sort of disruption in the electoral process and quite possibly as a planned event geared towards allowing Barack Hussein Obama the opportunity to declare martial law.

    • Because, TF, as I have so amply illustrated on my blog, the INFRASTRUCTURE for a REACTION of the nature that you posit is already in PLACE.


  4. That’s the tolerant Left for you, disagree with them and they spit on you, throw things at you or worse, poop on your car.

    I am not sure what I would have done if that old lady would have spit on me, since I was taught to always respect my elders. Spitting on someone is a vile and reprehensible act of hate.

    I think I would have maced the old bitty, had it been me. I just don’t know. What a vile woman.

  5. Leticia, let us learn a lesson from George Orwell:


    and now:


    and so lovingly applied by our active Leftists.


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