MSNBC’s host: Romney Engaging In The ‘Niggerization’ Of Obama

And this is an absolutely blasphemous and obscene characterization of Mr Romney by the DEM/MSM attempting to carry the water of Mr Obama on behalf of racists everywhere.

Because, as we all know, racists come in every color.

And this MSNBC host has certainly shown his:

On Thursday’s edition of MSNBC’s The Cycle the group discussed Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney‘s assertion that President Obama should “take [his] campaign of division and anger and hate back to Chicago.” Co-host Touré saw what he believes to be explicit racial connotations beneath what Romney was saying, calling it the “niggerization” of the campaign.

“That really bothered me,” he said. “You notice he said anger twice. He’s really trying to use racial coding and access some really deep stereotypes about the angry black man. This is part of the playbook against Obama, the ‘otherization,’ he’s not like us.”

“I know it’s a heavy thing, I don’t say it lightly, but this is ‘niggerization,’” Touré said to the apparent shock of his co-panelists. “You are not one of us, you are like the scary black man who we’ve been trained to fear.”

In complete keeping with the racial divide, once again, it is racist to criticize Mr Obama’s POLICIES and mentioning his city of political origin.

Because, in truth, Mr Obama’s campaign does naught but promote division, hate and anger.  Mr Obama is the greatest Divisionist that I can think of in recent times.  He and his sycophants don’t promote unity or commonality; oh no.  They promote every divide possible, by race, by class, by sex, by age, by wage, by type of employment.

These are the tactics you take when you are a defense lawyer possessing no articulable defense.

In a related fashion, we’ve all heard and read of the incredibly stupid Joe Biden remarks recently made regarding “ya’all in chains.”  More of Pandering 101, and Ignorant Racial Insults 101.  It’s part and parcel of what Joe Biden does.  It’s in his job description and, mostly, Biden is fatuous entertainment on a good day, who merely exhibits his actual mental thickness and stupidity.  He wasn’t worth a post here, because he is primarily a vacuous airhead.  And yes, I’m being quite kind, truly.

Biden’s staff already tried to remove and influence media interest in his “ya’all” travesty.  That also went — oddly enough — unreported by the DEM/MSM.  Imagine that!

That said, the first black state governor in the history of the United States, Douglas Wilder (Virginia, from 1990 to 1994), weighed in on Mr Biden’s comments:

Douglas Wilder .   .   . told CNN that ‘without question’ Biden’s remarks in Danville, Virginia (though the veep seemed to think he was in North Carolina) ‘were appeals to race’.

He continued: ‘The important thing I got out of this was Biden separated himself from what he accused the people of doing. As a matter of fact, what he said is they are going to do something to y’all, not to me. Not us. So he was still involved with that separate American.

In another interview, with Fox News, Wilder said: ‘Slavery is nothing to joke about. And the history of this nation’s involvement with slavery is nothing to pass off in a joke.’

Suggesting that Biden was a liability to Obama, he added that ‘you can’t continue to make gaffe after gaffe after gaffe and believe that it’s going to be supportive of what you and the president are both trying to do’.

The racial division continues unabated.  Supported both tacitly and overtly by Mr Obama who — yet — doesn’t believe he’s divisive.

Refutation?  How about this:

To Mr Obama: with “friends” like Mr Toure and Mr Biden, who needs enemies?


The DEM/MSM may be coprophagous.  I myself — as you all well know — am even remotely not.



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15 thoughts on “MSNBC’s host: Romney Engaging In The ‘Niggerization’ Of Obama

  1. The man that some claimed would bring about a UNITED America didn’t, and his fans don’t have a clue. Barack Hussein Obama and his presidency, has driven a wedge between the races of this nation that may well be fully irreparable.

    Romney has had NOTHING to do with the NIGGERIZATION of Obama, that boy can float in and out of a WHITE voice and ghetto Ebonics at the drop of a hat.

    I have done my last PC comment regarding Obama and how I feel about him and his racial motivation. Obama got where he is because of NEGRO supporters and Communist/Socialist mentors.

    The typical Black voter only does what he is told; he votes Democrat every time and Laudy Laudy Laudy, when they had the opportunity to vote for *a Brother* they were all over it, simply because they *assumed* that Obama was going to take care of *his own*…

    And he has taken care of his own … Communists and Socialists. Obama has NO loyalty to anyone other than his anti-American leaders and handlers. Black people are merely a stepping stone and a means to an end for the most evil son of a bitch to ever INFEST the White House!

      • at least obama is being careful, McCain is only doing bkncrouad checks, anyone can make a false bkncrouad and stiffer penalties for people who use guns in crimes? Whats that gonna acomplish? They’ll only come out of jail and do it again!!!

        • Claudia, I think you need to stop Drug Commenting and sober up a bit.

          First, you need to learn to spell. Then you need to learn to type. And finally, you apparently need to dry out.

          You do, however, have the “plus” of being faintly entertaining, if but for a moment, due to your inanity.


  2. So many of us have tried time after time to educate people on what Obama had planned for this nation and they chose to ignore us, our pleas and called us, “racists and bigots” because we didn’t want a “Black man” in office. So not true!

    Had they been listening to his speeches in 2008 they would have known that he was for a socialist nation, socialized medicine and he supported partial and all abortions.

    He had no love for the black community or the white for that matter. He had his agenda planned out and no one listened, they only saw a black man that was running for office and not once considered the consequences to their actions.

    To this day, I fail to comprehend how he still has fans, and sadly, that includes my in-laws and other family members.

    • People saw, Leticia — as Joe Biden said — a “clean black man.” So they voted with their guilt.

      Blacks voted mostly, but not all, with their prejudices.

      And Obama, they discovered, did NOT pay their bills or buy them a free house — although not far from that. Further, he doesn’t wish to inconvenience them with that troublesome “work for welfare” thing.


      • I was talking with a young male nurse (26) at work the other day and asked him if he exercises his right to vote. I am not going to even tell you what his comment was. However, the mother in me began my speech. He told me that I sounded like his mother. I then replied, “Hello, maybe we are onto something. Maybe there is some truth to what we are attempting to enlighten you with.” He wasn’t a bit interested in learning.

        • That, Dawn, is extremely unfortunate.

          However, I would ask you: DOES he vote, or does he not vote?

          With his apparent attitude, I hope he chooses NOT to vote.


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