Cash prizes for signing up for Obamacare?
Music, money used to reach young people in final enrollment push
by Jonnelle Marte, Marketwatch
With roughly two weeks left in the open enrollment period for health insurance, some groups are trying to sell Obamacare to young people in terms they might actually understand: music, comedy, and cash.
Ah, nothing like more Free Cheese for the ignorant masses!
Ignorant of the facts that, if ObamaKare were so wonderful, it wouldn’t have required passage in the dead of night, “voting for it to see what’s in it,” or any delay, recreation, recrafting or redrafting or altered implementation whasoever. The lies revolving around ObamaKare are legion in nature. If you care to have half a brain and a modicum of sentient awareness.
Roughly 2.5 million workers will leave the work force, it is estimated, as a direct result of ObamaKare. Over 4 million individuals have already lost their healthcare coverage directly because of ObamaKare. Everyone’s premiums are not going down, they are going up 41$ for individuals and over 50% for families. It is a job killing bill, and it de-motivates persons from actually working for a living. Kathleen Sebelius is outright LYING about the actual outcomes for ObamaKare. Premiums are higher now than the previous eight years combined.
Please allow me to quote Chet Heath, if I might:
They also didn’t tell you that:
1. Regardless of what Obamacare does to you, as a citizen you have no recourse – you cannot make claim against, or sue the government – no matter how badly they hurt you because the Federal Government has “Sovereign Immunity”. Check it out on Wikipedia. By the way – Corporations, such as insurance companies do not have such protection.
2. The Government has a vested interest in your early demise: Dying early reduces your Medicare and Social Security payout and reduces your use of a strained healthcare system. Further, they will tax your estate 100% and get the rest of your wealth for redistribution through inheritance taxes. Quite Simply: You die – they win.
3. There is no oversight – no insurance commission determines that rates are fair or if claims are paid at all. The executive branch sets the rules and decides what it will, or will not enforce.
4. What if Obamacare craters next year and you lose your coverage after paying for it – where do you go? Who pays for the next policy – if you can find one?
5. There is no one to assume responsibility if your financial and health data is compromised, if your identity is stolen, if your personal data is sold to whomever. You screwed up. You trusted them. And if it get’s hacked and your medical history winds up online – oh well, things happen.
6. What will happen if future regimes decide that you can’t get premium healthcare unless you are a member of the “Party” as socialized medicine was implemented under Soviet socialism? Too bad comrade, you are not an elite, only elites have a right to life.
7. If you somehow wind up owing the healthcare system money – who collects – the loving and warm folks down at the IRS who have a comfy cell waiting for you? Bankruptcy won’t protect you from the IRS.
8. They can apparently change the rules at will, bypassing the legislative branch, because they have already set that precedent without challenge from Congress. This year’s rates are nothing compared to what they can charge you next year, or anytime in the future.
Yes, imagine that, Comrade.
You really should try to relax on your little get away. Post nice pics, have a few cocktails and crab feeds, and just put your feet up.
The bad news will still be here when you get back. So will o’bummer
Just sayin’
I think the same thing as Dave. Unplug for a little while or you may have a myocardial infarction. Put on a parrot head and relax a bit.
…if ObamaKare were so wonderful, it wouldn’t have required passage in the dead of night,…
And passed with the help of people who had already been voted OUT of office. So, they were representing no one but their own political interests.