Leftists: AGAIN fanning the flames of racial divide and violence

From NewsBusters.org:

Bill Maher Warns Romney Supporters: ‘Black People Know Who You Are and They Will Come After You’

And the thing about Leftists is: they immure themselves on video and NO ONE in the DEM.MSM call them on their racist and violent words.  Bill Maher purports to be a “comedian” — but I find very little comedy in his remarks.

As Noel Sheppard properly illustrates, what would occur had a white “comedian” said “white people know who you are and they will come after you.”

That would be a career-ending event.  And would possibly even result in a filing by Holder’s DOJ.

Ladies and gentlemen this, amongst a lengthy list of other abuses, is why Mr Obama and his sycophants, minions and administrators are going to find themselves out of a job come November 7th.  The American People are sick and tired of having their noses ground into the mud pits of racism, sexism and open class warfare from all side at the hands of Leftists and Demorats, aided and ably abetted by the Defeatist-Elitist Media and MainStream Media (DEM/MSM).  The American People are tired of the unchecked hypocrisy of the current administration and its supporters.

Mr Obama, I think you are in for one rather large surprise this coming Wednesday morning.

After that: oh my God, let the carping, finger-pointing, whining, complaints and lawsuits commence!

I can’t wait.


Here are some kind and pleasant “tweets” about rioting and violence if Romney wins the election, all from those loving, understanding and diversity-of-thought-embracing Leftists:

If Romney win , me obama and 2 chainz going to start a riot and shoot his ass !

If Obama lose it’s going to be the biggest riot in history… Beacause, I’m going to start it!

If Romney were to win, I feel like ppl are gonna riot the streets..

yup, thas me. RT @BanitaApplebumm: If Romney were to win, I feel like ppl are gonna riot the streets..

I Swear If Romney Win Imma Start A Mothafuckin Riot

If Mitt Romney wins, imma start a riot!

if Romney wins this election i’m starting a riot

If Obama don’t win it’s gone be a riot.




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21 thoughts on “Leftists: AGAIN fanning the flames of racial divide and violence

  1. Bring it Niggas! Bring it… No one is afraid of you, at least not here in Texas, and just so you know, rioters will be SHOT on sight!

    Some towns already have a contingency plan in place, and it involves deputized patriots, front-end loaders and dump trucks…

    Bring it…

  2. Bring it on ni&&ers. This is what you want?
    You think lazy ass welfare will last long?
    Welfare by Obaka will be over.

    Romney, our new president, will get this nation back to work.
    If your types want to slovenly lay around in your ghettos,,well, do it.
    BUT you won’t get paid a nickle to do it anymore.
    Want to lay around, do nothing, then go back to Africa, and join them.

  3. They can riot all they want now, but WHEN Romney takes over, they might start looking for their workboots. Lazy bastards will have to learn that they either need to get a job, or STARVE!

  4. These people mean what they say. I fear it will be a really scary situation if Obama doesn’t get another 4 years for ‘his people’. Republicans, Conservatives, TEA Party people don’t riot, they don’t burn, destroy. But the Left, we know how they react.

    • Doubt it. But, after all, he’s funny as hell. Just ask a young Leftist.




      That line was incredibly funny.


  5. All these minorities hating the white people. If we weren’t dragging our tired asses out the door each morning, and busting hump, and getting our income taxed, how would you “git ur sheet” ….. Stop knockin the tea party, they are just tired from having to provide for their families, plus drag the dead weight of the unemployable behind them. I got no problem helping with welfare and food stamps ….. but you people have got to finish high school & get better educated, learn a trade …. when der are no mo whitey around …. who gonna pay da bill ????????????????????????????????????

    • TR:

      First, thank you for visiting, and thank you for taking the time to comment. Please come back any time.

      No one really minds helping the ACTUAL downtrodden. The blind. The deaf. The truly infirm. But when I see people with UOY KCUF tattooed backwards on their foreheads — and they get welfare and unemployment — plus any number of able-bodied persons — then that crap just HAS to stop.

      Plus this: how many TEA Party “riots” or “disturbances” have ANY police agencies EVER had to respond to?

      Correct: NONE.


  6. Ye, gods!

    The post-racial President has turned out to be anything but!

    Well, if there are riots following an Obama defeat, these nutjobs, whatever their color, will show themselves for what they are — in full display. This time, because of the Internet, the mainstream media will not be able to spin the riots as was done in 1968.

    • AOW, I submit this:

      Mr Obama has been the MOST racially DIVISIVE president in my 6+ decade experience on the planet.

      He is not a uniter; just the opposite: he is a DIVIDER:

      – In terms of CLASS
      – In terms of RACE
      – In terms of EARNINGS
      – In terms of SEX

      The Grand Canyon has nothing on Mr Obama.

      He IS the Great Divider!


  7. Well, rush limbaugh predicted this about a year ago, or before this crapolia got elected to the oral office in dc. Rush even played the auido about it it in the oral office being divider and raceist that o crap a lot is.

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