Yes, given; this is a lengthy video and most of you won’t play it in full. Still I post it.
But if you want to see what an actual concerned politician looks like in public, then click on the red button below:
Please listen to this, ladies and gentlemen, because the devil IS in the details. This bill will create an enormous incentive to hire those here illegally, and a penalty for hiring US citizens.
I didn’t support Ted Cruz in the primary but after he was chosen as the GOP candidate I supported him, grudgingly…
Ted Cruz got to DC and hit the ground running… He is tearing the Libtards up, and so far, he’s been right in damn near everything I can recall..
Now, you want to really get the Libtards in an uproar? Tout Ted Cruz for POTUS in 2016…
I tell you, Fred, I’d send $1K to that guy if he would commit to that.
It is being discussed in certain circles so I am told, but there is no commitment as yet… If I get a heads up I WILL let you know..
Watched the whole thing. Ended up so angry I couldn’t sleep. Bravo Sen. Cruz for telling the Senators just what snakes they are.
Hard to understand how any responsible senator could ignore what Sen. Cruz pointed out so very plainly and clearly. But it is quite typical of the left to minimize anything which shows defects in their agenda.
A bill of this magnitude should be discussed and debated in open session and televised to the nation.
I wish we had something similar to the PMQs that the UK has where the PM appears before Parliament each week to answer questions from MPs. Imagine the drama if the president was required to come before Congress weekly and engage in live q and a!
Immigration bill just passed the Senate, 68 to 32.
We have become an upside down country. If any of the gang of 8 RINOS become the GOP candidate for president in 2016 I will not vote even if Horrible Hillary is the opponent. If that becomes the case we will be lost beyond repair.
As bad as Mr. Cruz makes it out to be, I’m sure the “free cheeser’s” are still going to worship o’bummer as their messiah. There just ain’t no fixin’ stupid!
(heavy sigh)
My father works for home depot and has done so for over 12 years. He is 68 years old, and wanted to retire when he turned 63…then 65, but due to health reasons with my mother, found that medicare would not cover the treatment my mother gets monthly in the form of treatment and medication. Luckily, my father, who just has his annual physical, has smoked for over 40 years, and eats everything bad for him, is in perfect health with perfect blood pressure, low cholesterol, a strong heart and so on. We joke that my mother, who has had serious health issues for over twenty years, will still outlive him. But my father HAS TO WORK for health insurance for my mother. He says he can not afford to retire until my mother dies. How sad.
Anyway, In the last year or so, home depot is moving away from hiring full timers and going with an almost all part time staff. My father is one of only a small handful of full timers left, and luckily, my dad is well liked by management, due to a lifetime of construction experience, knows everything about construction, including electrical, plumbing, carpentry, etc. and can work any dept with skill. They tried to get my father into mgmt programs there, but he refuses as he simply wants to enjoy life. He no longer has career aspirations.
Well, it turns out that now, his store hires almost no full timers at all but is hiring part timers by the boat load…all working at 24 to 28 hours per week maximum. The plan is to run the entire store with flexible part timers and a handful of full timers managing the store and certain depts. My dad has stated that almost all of the employees hired in the last two years now work two jobs. In fact, the common question among new employees is asking where else they work. These employees usually work three days a week at home depot, and three days at another place, such as restaurants, mall stores, handiwork, with one guy who ironically enough, also works part time at Lowes (I wonder if each store knows this).
So, I have to ask, will working two part time jobs instead of a full time one become the new normal in America? Businesses seem to think the move to this helpful to them and we all know that honor among employers is never to be trusted. This can not be a good thing as it will hinder the building up of a career except for the chosen few. Not to mention, it doesn’t matter if the manager likes you or not, this is a corporate move. So there is no appealing to your boss for more hours in the time of need like in the old days. My dad told me that in “the old days” if were a good employee and you had a financial crisis, as in his case, a new baby to feed, or the car needed tires, or the water heater went kaput, you could go to your boss and ask for a few extra hours a week until you could make a couple extra bucks to help along with the bills. That notion will be GONE. Workers will care less and less about their jobs and do it without care. Kinda like they do in communist countries. So, I see no good in this. Even worse, I feel it will pass…after all, the dems love it for their undocumented democrat voters it will provide, and the RINO’s love it for the cheap labor it gives big business. We the middle class will again, take it in the shorts….over and over and over.
“Anyway, In the last year or so, home depot is moving away from hiring full timers and going with an almost all part time staff.”
True. Under ObamaKare they won’t have much choice except to minimize hours. It’s written into the bill.
Two jobs will soon be the norm. Perhaps three jobs. Scheduling will be a family nightmare.
With Mexicans as cheap labor and unskilled, they will be a better “deal” for businesses, driving labor prices down even FARTHER.