What if Obama loses?

There have already been prognostications made with this eventuality:

New Threats to Riot if Obama Loses Election

Despite the issue receiving national media attention, Obama supporters continue to threaten to riot if Mitt Romney wins the presidential election, raising the prospect of civil unrest if Obama fails to secure a second term.

The new threats continue to dominate Twitter and the vast majority make no reference to press coverage of the issue over the last week, illustrating the fact that they are a legitimate expression of how many Obama voters plan to respond if Romney comes out on top, and not merely a reaction to media hype.

Louis Farrakhan, of course, also weighed in, in terms of “keeping America white.”

CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Speaking in Charlotte on Sunday, Louis Farrakhan had this advice for President Barack Obama:


“Mr. President, you’ve got to realize you’re fighting for your presidential life,” the leader of the Nation of Islam told an estimated gathering of 6,000 at Bojangles’ Coliseum. “You’re fighting for your vision of the Democratic Party and the country.”

In marking the 17th anniversary of his 1995 Million Man March on Washington, D.C., Farrakhan was scheduled to talk about the economy and a Muslim “blueprint for ending need and want.”

But with the Nov. 6 election three weeks away, the 79-year-old Muslim leader changed his mind, instead offering advice to the president and country, describing a United States still ruptured by race.

Then Farrakhan spent two hours hammering at racial – some critics will call them racist – themes.

To begin, the highly controversial Farrakhan accused Republicans of having “overt” racist motives in their opposition to Obama, the country’s first black president. He attacked a political process that he says is controlled by monied interests and wants “to keep America white.”

And while he claimed Obama’s Republican opponent, Mitt Romney, had lied about his real positions on most major issues throughout the first presidential debate, he also criticized Obama’s low-energy response.


What happens if America actually votes against Obama?




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10 thoughts on “What if Obama loses?

  1. If BHO loses by a slim margin, I predict that BHO will challenge the election results.

    There’s also the chance that he’ll refuse to lead no matter what the margin of loss.

    Now, will there be riots? Possibly.

    But I believe that the unrest will be subtler than that: more problems with classroom behavior, black-on-white vandalism (nuisance and serious), flash mobs in all kinds of stores, the targeting of white cops, etc.

    Race relations will be even more fractured. In my view, Obama has ruined race relations in America for a long, long time.

    • I would concur. I should expect a challenge to election results in critical states. As Hugh Hewitt wrote: “if it’s not close, they can’t cheat.”

      And yes, Mr Obama has hosted one of the MOST divisive administrations ever.


  2. I think you and I are on the same wave-length. I posted a few tweets from some pretty crazy people threatening to murder Romney if he wins the election.

    I wonder if a civil war would break out? I know that’s extreme, but we are seeing some pretty explicit threats to Romney’s life.

    • I don’t quite think so, but I should imagine it will be hotly, HOTLY contested on every possible front if it is perceived to be close.

      I’m thinking it’ll be a lot LESS close than we suspect.

      I’m thinking Mr Obama will be very surprised come November 7th.


  3. Might be time to dust off “Old Bessy”, might be needing her from this Nov, till I die.
    Sad state of affaires this nation has fallen into.

  4. Stimulate the economy folks—BUY LEAD!! If enough of the leftard crazies threatening to riot actually DO riot, you can expect to see Martial Law instituted. I actually am beginning to believe that is exactly what NOMObama wants. He would stop at nothing to stay in power.

    I doubt that my little town up here in northern New Hampshire has much to worry about, but I will NOT be shy about protecting my family and my belongings if the need arises.

    • Tonight, as far as the DEM/MSM is concerned, is “OPERATION RESCUE BARACK OBAMA.”

      The DEM/MSM are not to be believed any more; they have done their very level best to check their credibility at the door.


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