Obama: won’t get fooled again

Mr Obama wasn’t happy, nor were his Minions, following his first debate with Mitt Romney.

Quotes back then included CNN reporting that Obama said: “Basically they’re keeping me indoors all the time. It’s a drag.  They’re making me do my homework.”

Obama was predominantly disinterested, just as he has been for the bulk of his presidency.  He is too damned good for the job which, truly, when you bottom-line it all, is a Truism we all need to recognize.

“This time,” however, things may be different.  Mr Obama has allegedly been “cramming” for the past four days.

Though, according to the Chicago Tribune, Mr Obama is going to face some significant challenges as the topics include, in the second debate this Tuesday, both foreign and domestic policies:

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Losing ground to Republican Mitt Romney on a host of issues, President Barack Obama faces a serious challenge to put his re-election bid back on track when the two men face off on Tuesday in their second debate.

Obama’s passive performance in their first debate two weeks ago and Romney’s subsequent surge have raised expectations for a more fiery encounter at New York’s Hofstra University.

Mr Obama’s handlers are indicating he’s going to come out fast and furious himself — though he’ll be doing his level best to completely avoid Fast & Furious itself.  He’ll simply be more aggressive.  However, one very interesting point from Nancy Cordes of CBS News:

But also because if the Obama campaign is looking for a comeback, a way to turn around his performance from the first debate, it’s challenging. He can’t go after Gov. Romney as much as he would in a normal debate format because he’s also is going to have to be working on connecting with the members of the audience and dealing with the questions they are asking.

Your thoughts or predictions on tomorrow’s debate?



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13 thoughts on “Obama: won’t get fooled again

  1. 1st thought: the debate is Tuesday night… Just sayin’…

    2nd thought: If Romney does to Obama in this one what he did in the 2nd one, it’s OVER!

    3rd thought: If Obama believes Biden did well against Ryan and attempts to emulate that pathetic performance, it’s OVER!

    Obama has shown America what he is, the *nowhere man*, a certain segment is ready to vote Obama out, there are others that are seeing the light, and there are some that could witness Obama commit mass murder and still swear he is their Messiah…

    My thought? As long as Romney doesn’t screw the pooch, Obama is out of here…

    • Correct. But sometimes I make my posts a day ahead and then I change up my posting dates. Like I’m going to do. Just sayin’. . .

      Yes. Correct. If Romney stays calm and professional and aggressive and staid, he wins.

      If Obama emulates Biden with the smiling and the obeisance from Romney, it is indeed over.

      Finally: with EVERY segment that is “in the tank” for Obama — to include EVERY aspect of our national and perhaps global media — and he STILL cannot win?

      That only indicates what an incredible LOSER is Mr Obama.


  2. A sitting President shouldn’t have to cram for a debate.

    The townhall format shouldn’t give Obama an edge, IMO.

    But I do wonder how controlled the questions will be.

    I also wonder how the townhall audience will be chosen.

    • Good darned question. You think Mr Obama is going to pull out all the stops and be more “effective” than he was last debate?


    • I think it’ll be about time, if Romney decides to do that. Obama is SUCH a “target-rich environment,” truly, for Mr Romney.


  3. BZ . . . I’m worried. Obama faces a broken GOP. His future depends specifically on blacks, unions, illegal immigrants and chronic welfare addicts. Romney and the GOP lost when they stopped listening to the conservatives and libertarians. It’s very difficult for any third party to win – but they can and will influence this election. The angry conservatives, libertarians, Ron Paul supporters, and most of the independents will turn out to divide the GOP and it will lose this election. The GOP will NEVER recover – but Obama will have another four years to destroy our heritage. Damn . . .

    • Bump, I gotta say, I don’t think that’s gonna happen. Yes, Paul supporters are Paul supporters. But I don’t think they’re going to throw a vote to Obama. Some may stay home, but I also think some of them will step into the booth and click on the Romney/Ryan ticket if for no other reason than they like Ryan much, much better.

      I think Obama is going to VERY surprised on November 7th.


  4. Bump my friend, I don’t know where you get your info, but let me soothe your worried mind a little…
    Go here and see what I think may be an accurate indication of where this race is headed. (I actually think this may end up being Carter/Reagan II.)
    Folks DID NOT KNOW the real Romney until the first debate, and were surprised when he said many things they agreed with.
    This debate is crucial, because it will do away with any doubts left behind from the first.
    Relax my friend. The only thing we have to worry about is, “Do I have enough ammunition?” Because I don’t think it matters a whit who is elected, this economy is in HUGE trouble.

  5. We’ll have a MUCH better idea on wins and losses in just about 2 hours. After tonights debate, the fog of battle will lift enough to get some real insight into where it stands. My best guess is that NOMObama will do a lot better than last time, BUT, it will be 2 little and 2 late. I see Romney doing as well or better than last time and winning the night AGAIN.

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