Pat Condell nails Islam, Merkel and Europe

I’ve said it before and I shall say it again.

Angela Merkel has mostly single-handedly managed to doom the bulk of Europe via her guilt-dripping decision to import Syrian “refugees” into Germany and, by dint of that, into the rest of Europe.

The UK’s Pat Condell (an atheist) states the obvious which, sadly, isn’t obvious to GOWPs, Leftists, Demorats, Progressives and — naturally — to Muslims.

“Europe’s last chance” indeed.

With the startling caveat that what is failing in Europe is being sought-after and embraced by our own Leftist, Demorat and Progressive wingnuts because — after all — Leftists possess what I term Historical Alzheimers and have shown time and again they learn nothing from history.

Even when it is occurring right in front of them, under their very elitist, arrogant, gentrified noses.



Enlightened Leftist professor calls for the killing of NRA members

James Pearce, LEFTIST MOTHERFUCKERThis is adjunct professor James Pearce, from Ohio’s Southern State Community College.  He’d like to kill you.  Nah.  He’s kidding.  Not.  He wants to kill you.  Really.

Ah yes, another reason that Leftists are more predominently becoming indistinguishable from Muslim terrorists, advocating the wholesale slaughter of persons with which they disagree.

Ah yes, the loving tolerance of Leftists and Islam, embracing peace, understanding, true diversity of thought and speech on as many levels as possible, expanding outreach and encompassing a startling inclusivity offered to all philosophies and beliefs.

My dripping, frothing sarcasm ends, at least for the moment, now.


Liberal insanity: Professor calls for mass shooting at NRA headquarters, says leave ‘no survivors’

by Sam Rolley

A professor at Southern State Community College is currently under investigation after suggesting via social media that the mass murder of 2nd Amendment supporters would help the Left’s gun control cause.

In a Facebook post last month, Ohio adjunct professor James Pearce said the only way for the left to win its gun control battle is for “a bunch of us anti-gun types” to “arm ourselves, storm the NRA headquarters in Fairfax, VA, and make sure there are no survivors.”

Placed into the clear digital ether in black and white.  Retrievable.

My first question: do you think adjunct professor Pearce is “kidding”?  Do you think he “doesn’t mean it”?

These days, I’d attribute the veracity of his statements as I would those of Barack Hussein Obaka.  He meant every damned word.  But what did he actually write and post?  Oddly enough — and you would expect no less — I have it.

James Pearce FACEBOOK POSTAdjunct professor — not quite a real, actual professor — James Pearce meant every word he wrote.  It wasn’t fun, it wasn’t ribbing, it wasn’t bust-a-gut.  Because Leftists have no sense of humor.  They, he, are and was completely dead serious.

Pearce’s post has since caught the attention of law enforcement authorities and an investigation is underway.

The professor is protesting the conservative backlash and criminal investigation into his post, saying it’s obvious that the people he threatened can’t take a joke.

“It was suppose to be a joke, folks. I really do think that Facebook needs something like a ‘sarcasm punctuation mark,’” he said. “The less literate among us don’t seem to recognize humor when they see it.

Right.  The unwashed amongst us, the Proles, the Serfs, the Underlings, the Commoners.  The arrogance drips from his every word.

This is the man who wouldn’t know a handgun from a rifle, a hard day’s work, sweating for a living, a student not bowing down before his swelled cranium.

One can immediately suss that Professor Pearce is the person upon which one would rely should you encounter some kind of violent critical incident, yes?  Yes.  His persona is such that he would fight tooth and nail for you and me.  He would obviously be not unlike Brave Sir Robin.

He’s the typical GOWP: Guilty Overeducated White Person, who has been taught, but has learned little about life.

He can’t understand the fuss.

Right.  Smart guy.



Reflections on Orlando: we’re not learning

Muslim Kills 49 Orlando Gay ClubApologies for the lack of current posts. Personal issues. — BZ ]

The US is not learning from the radical wave of Islam that is thundering across Europe right now and, of course, it is having its own effects here.

I’m referencing the San Bernardino shootings from December of last year by Muslims and most recently the Orlando gay bar mass shooting on Saturday night/Sunday morning in Florida.  This Islamic fuck — whose name isn’t warranted printing here on my blog — now holds the “record” for the number of persons killed in one US mass shooting, at 49 murdered and 53 wounded.  (Except for Antietam, where roughly 22,000 persons were killed in one day, American vs American, and perhaps Wounded Knee.)

The wife of this piece of shit was a clear accomplice and should be charged as a co-conspirator to murder.  She knew that, on June 4th and 5th, he purchased a 9mm handgun and an AR-15 rifle.  She knew how false he was.  Of what his dogma truly consisted.  You cannot live together and now know, unless you are continents away.  They were not.  She knew his heart.  She knew what he was.  And what he wasn’t.  Specifically, she knew about the attack.

Oh, but wait.  It was not an AR-15 the Islamic fuck possessed.  It was a Sig Sauer MCX carbine which shares no major parts with an AR-15.  At all.  The MCX also  Of course, how can you fault the American Media Maggots?  Everything, as you well know, is an AR-15.  This is no mistake, naturally.  This is called a narrative.


And like good anti-gun Lefitsts, everything evil must be an AR-15.  Therefore the ammunition for AR-15s must be eliminated as well.

Clue into this, Leftists: again, like the bulk of most recent shootings in the US, he was in compliance with the current gun laws for the area.  Further, he was a security operator for a company that held a contract with the federal government.  He not only had to pass local security laws for possession of various weapons — as a security operator that guarded federal facilities — but had to pass federal background checks.

And did.

Further, the FBI conducted two separate investigations into the suspect.  They found nothing.  They cleared him.  They met with him three times.

We — the United States — we are not learning.

The Muslim fuck was working for a multi-national security company that employs about 625,000 people with many contracts to the US federal government.  A “security company” can range from someone guarding a parking lot to persons providing specialized security for special ops American forces on the ground — as with those highlighted in the “13 Hours of Benghazi.

With these contracts, the federal government required a security backgrounding of every employee.  Both sides failed to report.  The Muslim fuck had two gun licenses.  One was for the rifle — the “AR-15” — and it is unlikely he would have acquired these licenses had his employer known of the FBI investigation.  They proscribe even “contact” with the FBI.

AR6[ Hillary Clinton, as an aside, is wrong again as the bint she is.  The “AR-15” she falsely said was involved is not a “weapon of war.”  It is a rifle.  It shoots semi-automatically.  It is in fact used by hunters.  What she really objects to, like most Leftists, is that it has odd bits and angles that make it, with its black color, appear to be completely sinister in their over-imaginative minds. ]

The FBI concluded it lacked sufficient evidence to go forward with even what they call a “preliminary investigation.”  But whatever they found out about him, they should have told his employer.  In that they failed.

Let me repeat for the abundant Leftists amongst you here and now: the Islamic fuck Omar Mateen (okay, sorry) passed every background check required by the state and by the federal government.  He was never “institutionalized” as well.  But there’s more; just wait a few paragraphs.

Captain Obvious: the bar was a “No Gun Zone.”  Right.  Larfs all around.  But nothing works against a gun like?  Right.  Another gun.

Columbine, Newtown.  All of these mass killings took place where the government prohibited people from protecting themselves.  A “gun free zone” is like shooting fish in a barrel.  Gays or not.

A LE axiom: when an assailant is confronted sooner rather than later, lives are saved.  Period.

Leftists immediately jumped to gun control.  And the American Media Maggots helped to buttress that so-called “argument.”

There was no call from the Oval Office to Orlando.  Party politics.  Leftist Obaka to Republican Governor Rick Scott.  Didn’t happen.

There is no doubt that the Muslim fuck was motivated by Islam.  His father was a supporter of the Taliban.  The Muslim fuck himself cheered when planes struck the WTC on 9/11.  Inspire magazine exists to, eh, “inspire” after all.

On the other hand, it could be clear that the Muslim fuck was sexually confounded.  He could have been trying to resolve various homosexual issues that he finally applied to the Pulse gay bar.

I suspect there were a number of motivators of the Muslim fuck.

I suspect that he was conflicted with his own personal sexuality.  I suspect that he realized the inherent conflict that exists in the Middle East — a conflict that very few persons seem willing to address in the Western Media.  That is to say, the conflict that exists between small boys and older men.

In the ME form of Islam it does not seem to be disagreeable that small boys are penetrated anally for sexual satisfaction.

US soldiers in ME assignments realize this rather rapidly: “women are for procreation, and boys are for fun.”

That brings us to the “bacha bazi” dancing boys.  Click at your own disgust.

Muslim Bacha Bazi BoysThe secret shame of Afghanistan’s bacha bazi ‘dancing boys’ who are made to dress like little girls, then abused by paedophiles

  • Bacha bazi, meaning ‘boy play’, is a tradition found across Afghanistan, where boys dress as women and perform

  • But these boys, some as young as 10, are also sexually abused by the men – passed around after the parties

  • The stigma of having been a ‘bacha bereesh’ sees the victims shunned by their families and society

  • However, ‘owning’ more than one boy is seen as a display of both power and wealth among some Afghan war lords

  • See full news coverage and stories from Afghanistan at 

For some deviant reason, in the ME form of Islam, this is not considered a form of pederasty.  Only when one transitions from boys to men is buggery considered verboten by Islam.  And by that the Islamic fuck found himself conflicted.  He was not attracted by boys.

He liked men.  He hated America.  He may have been spurned in conflict of his religion.  It only takes one blowjob to make someone a “homosexual.”  And that appellation of “homosexual” is completely unacceptable in Islam.

As a conflicted homosexual, to attack a gay bar would solve the bulk of his problems.  It would resolve his unstated sexuality, and it would place him into a place of importance within Islam.  Let’s kill gays.

But instead of Islam or violence or philosophy, instead, according to Obama and his sycophants, it’s all about guns.

If guns were the issue, then what about Belgium?  What about France?  What about the UK?  What about California?  These locations all have the strictest gun control imaginable.  California has the strongest, most constrictive laws on the books of any state — and they are creating even more.

And yet it’s about the tools and not about the root cause.

To Leftists: let there be no mistake.  Barack Hussein Obama has drawn the battle lines between Islam and gays.

Guess what?  Islam wins.

“Evil always wins through the strength of its splendid dupes; and there has in all ages been a disastrous alliance between abnormal innocence and abnormal sin.”
— G.K. Chesterton


The most immediate goal of Leftists now?  To eliminate those weapons which have detachable magazines.

Trust me.


German govt forces police to cover up “refugee” rapes

Islam and LeftistsJust as we’ve known all along.  The politically-correct multi-kulti class in German government has been outed.  They lied.  To cover for Muslim “refugees.”  And it’s not just in Germany.


Cologne Police Reveal ‘Cover Up’ Of New Year’s Eve Rape Attacks Ordered By Government

by Oliver JJ Lane

A leaked cache of confidential emails and notes passed between the North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) state government and local police has revealed the extent to which the force were placed under pressure to cover up the migrant sex attacks at New Year’s Eve.

Reportedly released to Cologne-based German newspaper the Express by an inside police source, the documents may imperil the position of NRW interior minister Ralf Jäger. The minister has been clinging to his position since the attacks first became known, days after the event, and even went so far as to fire his chief of police to “restore faith” in the city.

One of the documents sent by Jäger’s interior ministry to the police ont he first of January is a so-called “Important Event-Message” (“Wichtiges Ereignis-Meldung”). Far from the initial claims made, and statements made at an early press conference about the attacks the message confirmed the state government had full knowledge of the gang sex attacks.

Wait, it gets better.  The state minister not only covered up the nature of the events and the extent of the violence and assault, but fired his chief of police when the chief asked for more officers to keep Cologne safe, and was refused.

Sweden also has some explaining to do.

From the UKSpectator:

It’s not only Germany that covers up mass sex attacks by migrant men… Sweden’s record is shameful

by Ivar Arpi

Stockholm police were warned not to give descriptions of the perpetrators lest they were accused of being racist

It took days for police to acknowledge the extent of the mass attacks on women celebrating New Year’s Eve in Cologne. The Germans were lucky; in Sweden, similar attacks have been taking place for more than a year and the authorities are still playing catch up. Only now is the truth emerging, both about the attacks and the cover-ups. Stefan Löfven, our Prime Minister, has denounced a ‘double betrayal’ of women and has promised an investigation. But he ought to be asking this: what made the police and even journalists cover up the truth?

The answer can be discovered in the reaction to the Cologne attacks. Sweden prides itself on its sexual equality and has even pioneered a feminist foreign policy. When hundreds of women were reported to have been molested and abused in Cologne — at the hands of an organised mob — the reaction from Swedish politicians and pundits ought to have been one of outrage.

Correct.  And now let the truth and the embarrassment and shame emerge.

Then last week Sweden’s own stories began to emerge. During the We Are Sthlm music festival, large groups of young men harassed girls sexually. It began in 2014 and it also went on during last year’s festival. According to internal police reports the groups were ‘so-called refugee youths primarily from Afghanistan’. The youngest of the victims was 12 years old.

The police claimed that there were ‘relatively few crimes and arrests considering the number of participants’. Internal reports told a different story. The police were shocked enough by the harassment to try to come up with a strategy to handle the groups of molesters at the festival — a strategy that was evidently unsuccessful. The trouble was that they were trying to deal with a problem but would not speak its name. As Peter Ågren, police chief in central Stockholm, put it: ‘Sometimes we do not dare to say how things really are because we believe it will play into the hands of the Sweden Democrats.’ As we now know, police officers in Stockholm are instructed not to reveal the ethnicity or nationality of any suspects lest they be accused of racism.

It’s clear, then, that apparently not only do women mean nothing to Muslims, they mean little to Europeans as well.  Europeans GOWPs purposely kept the magnitude and nature of the offenses hidden.  European government drones hazarded their women on the altar of guilt, political correctness, ignorance and abject, profound cowardice.

Islam Helped by GOWP Leftist WomanGermany is doomed, the rest of Europe is on the brink.  “Migrants” and “refugees” are shitting and pissing in public, raping women damned near at will.  The European women “deserve it.”  Yes.  Political correctness protects the Muslim rape culture, amongst other things.  Read this link.  European nations are accommodating Islam in their own countries, not the other way around.

Check this paragraph:

In the Arab world, it’s something of a phenomenon. It has a name: ‘Taharrush gamea’. Sometimes the girls are teased and have their veils torn off by gangs of young men; sometimes it escalates into rape. Five years ago, this form of attack was the subject of an award-winning Egyptian film, 678. Instances of young men surrounding and attacking girls were reported throughout the Arab Spring protests in Cairo in 2011 and 2012. Lara Logan, a CNN journalist covering the fall of Hosni Mubarak, was raped in Tahrir Square. Taharrush gamea is a modern evil, and it’s being imported into Europe. Our authorities ought to be aware of it.

And with all this, Mr Obama wants to duplicate what is occurring in Europe, here.  He wants more refugees imported into the US.



Bill Maher: correct about Islam

Bill Maher On Islam 2Bill Maher, despite his Lefty way, is correct about one thing: Islam.

He believes that Islam is a threat to the civilized world.


Maher: The More You Know About Islam, The More Afraid Of It You Are, Intolerant Christians ‘Really Aren’t a Problem’

by Ian Hanchett

HBO host Bill Maher argued that it isn’t true that people wouldn’t be as afraid of Islam if they knew more about it, “Actually, it’s the reverse” and that he wished liberals would “have the same enthusiasm for intolerance elsewhere in the world as they do for Christians here at home, who really aren’t a problem, because they don’t get really get their way” on Friday’s “Real Time.”

Maher, after referencing the covering up of nude statues in Italy during a visit by Iran’s president said, “I think people are mixing up two things, tolerance and capitulation.” He added, “It’s one thing to be tolerant of another culture, but this is our culture. You know, Christianity did have a problem with t*tties like in 1300, but we got over it. So, we shouldn’t change our culture to a more backward culture, should we?”

“I think people are mixing up two things: tolerance and capitulation.”

Maher added, “I think liberals have to stop insisting that the world is the way they want to it be instead of the way it is.”

Holy Mother of God, Maher just had an epiphany.  He used words directly from the notebook of Captain Obvious.  Words I’ve been writing, literally, for years about Leftists.

Bad out of my mouth, somehow acceptable out of his.

He (Maher) then pointed to folk singer James Twyman’s efforts to do a concert in ISIS-controlled territory to hopefully stop ISIS’ violence. Maher then argued, “[Y]ou cannot just insist that the reality that you think about in your head is the reality that exists in the world. After the San Bernardino attacks, we were off the next week, but I heard all over TV, this — everybody was saying, ‘If only Americans knew more about Islam, they wouldn’t be so afraid.’ Actually, it’s the reverse.”

It IS the reverse.  If Americans knew more about Islam — actually read the Koran, the Hadith, the surahs, — Americans would realize what Islam says is what Islam means.

My quote: “Islam is as Islam does.”

Maher finishes:

“I just hope that the civics guidebook in Sweden is more persuasive than the Koran, but I doubt it is.”

There is actually a difference between Leftists, as wacky as they are.

At least Bill Maher doesn’t advocate the silencing of those to don’t believe in his philosophies, unlike many professors in various “advanced” US educational institutions.

Such as Melissa Click, a professor who “wanted some muscle” to her location so she could keep a student photographer from documenting a college protest.  Click has since had third degree assault charges filed against her and been suspended from the University of Missouri.

I very seldom watch him, but I support Maher’s right to say what he wishes.  I draw the line at the bulk of collegiate Leftists and students who want to entirely stave off any discussion in the slightest conflict with their beliefs. They can’t countenance dissent.  Their upbringing, coddling and fragile little egos keep getting in the way.  They are frothing over with unwarranted and inflated self esteem.

Bill Maher Let Him Speak

At least Maher believes in free speech.


Bill Maher On Islam