Some quick facts: It took the FBI 1.3 years to investigate 55,000 emails. Now, it appears the FBI has combed through 650,000 emails in nine days. This is nothing short of a miracle. The blinding light from heaven must have caused all the newest FBI investigators to wear welding masks. Where was this FBI “A-Team” a year ago, Mr Comey? Newt Gingrich said, “nobody believes that the federal government is capable of taking 650,000 emails and reviewing them in eight days.” Unless, of course, there is Divine Intervention the likes of which Comey claims.
Oddly enough, I should add, the State Department stated it will need five years for their review of 31,000 pages of emails recovered by the FBI involving Hillary Clinton. Apparently the State Department lacks graduates of Evelyn Wood classes as, clearly, the FBI possesses.
From Sunday’s
Hillary OFF the hook as FBI Director James Comey reveals the department will NOT change its July decision after further email investigation
by Liam Quinn, David Martosko, Geoff Earle, Nikki Schwab and Regina F. Graham
FBI announced it will not change the decision it reached in July after investigating Hillary Clinton’s emails
Director James Comey announced the potentially election-changing news in an email on Sunday afternoon
The latest finding means the Democratic nominee will not be charged with anything from the email scandal
Hillary’s camp addressed Comey’s letter after it was published, saying it is ‘glad that the matter is resolved’
Donald Trump was quick to trash the latest decision, saying Clinton is being protected by a ‘rigged system’
The FBI has announced it will not make any changes to its July decision on Hillary Clinton’s emails, meaning the Democratic nominee will not be charged.
Congressman Jason Chaffetz fist tweeted out the massive news on Sunday afternoon before FBI Director James Comey released a letter that said the investigation was closed.
‘FBI Dir just informed us ‘Based on our review, we have not changed our conclusions that we expressed in July with respect to Sec Clinton’,’ Chaffetz wrote.
Speaking to reporters with Clinton in Cleveland, Ohio, Director of Communications Jennifer Palmieri confirmed the camp had seen Comey’s letter.
‘We have seen Director Comey’s latest letter to the Hill. We are glad to see that he has found, as we were confident that he would, that he has confirmed the conclusion that he reached in July, and we’re glad that this matter is resolved,’ Palmieri said.
The investigation was reopened on October 28 – sparked by a story that revealed Anthony Weiner was sending sexually explicit messages to a 15-year-old girl. The emails in question were found on Weiner’s laptop.
Good news for Mexico, though. Upon Sunday’s revelation the Mexican peso soared. Gosh. Why do you suppose that might be?
Here is what likely occurred: Comey can’t stand political or personal heat. From anyone. He instead wants to please everyone, somehow keep his job, and does real justice no service whatsoever. If there ever were an indecisive, cowardly and misdirected man, it is James Brien Comey.
A) Following his July decision to forego a recommendation of either an indictment or a grand jury impaneled regarding Hillary Clinton’s private server and disregard for US security and intelligence protocols (not to mention laws), FBI Director James Comey created a firestorm not just within his own agency but the American public — and it affected his private as well as public or work life. Letters of resignation from good and true FBI line level agents began to pile up on his desk, and even Comey’s wife Pat told him he must make amends.
B) Under mounting pressure, on October 28th Director Comey indicated he was re-opening the investigation into more of Hillary Clinton’s emails — an estimated 650,000 of them, stemming from the examination of a case involving Anthony Wiener, husband of Huma Abedin, close assistant and confidant of HRC. The American Media Maggots and the Clinton campaigners moo’d in unison: “bad decision, Jim, bad decision.”
C) Following his determination to re-open the Clinton email case, the OSC (Office of Special Counsel) received complaints about Director Comey regarding violations of the Hatch Act, which is a “law designed to prevent federal officeholders from abusing their power to influence an election.” This complaint was filed Saturday, October 29th with the OSC by lawyer Richard Painter.
D) Nine short days later, armed with a team of miracle workers, FBI Director James Comey reaffirmed his original July decision: yeppers, nothing to see here. No corruption, no collusion, move along. The American Media Maggots and the Clinton campaigners moo’d again in unison: “great decision, Jim, great decision.”
Except that, again, the vile stench of Hillary Rodham Clinton wafts in with this newest report on Sunday, from the
Clinton directed her maid to print out classified materials
by Paul Sperry
As secretary of state, Hillary Clinton routinely asked her maid to print out sensitive government e-mails and documents — including ones containing classified information — from her house in Washington, DC, e-mails and FBI memos show. But the housekeeper lacked the security clearance to handle such material.
In fact, Marina Santos was called on so frequently to receive e-mails that she may hold the secrets to E-mailgate — if only the FBI and Congress would subpoena her and the equipment she used.
But I’m sure the good ol’ Go-Along-To-Get-Along James Comey wouldn’t see any real serious issue with this, either. I mean, who can’t trust their maid? I trust mine; I’m sure you trust yours. Oh wait, we don’t have maids. . .
Clinton would first receive highly sensitive e-mails from top aides at the State Department and then request that they, in turn, forward the messages and any attached documents to Santos to print out for her at the home.
Nope. Still no problem. Right?
“Revisions to the Iran points” was the subject line of a classified April 2012 e-mail to Clinton from Hanley. In it, the text reads, “Marina is trying to print for you.”
Both classified e-mails were marked “confidential,” the tier below “secret” or “top secret.”
You realize, those designators aren’t hard and fast; they’re merely “suggestions” or “guidelines.” Just ask the FBI and James Comey.
Santos also had access to a highly secure room called an SCIF (sensitive compartmented information facility) that diplomatic security agents set up at Whitehaven, according to FBI notes from an interview with Abedin.
Listen, no one likes a dirty SCIF, okay? Just look at all the candy wrappers on the floor.
From within the SCIF, Santos — who had no clearance — “collected documents from the secure facsimile machine for Clinton,” the FBI notes revealed.
Just how sensitive were the papers Santos presumably handled? The FBI noted Clinton periodically received the Presidential Daily Brief — a top-secret document prepared by the CIA and other US intelligence agencies — via the secure fax.
Hey, I wonder: did the FBI demand to look at the iMac that Santos used to print out the documents? How about the printer? The print-outs themselves? Uh. No.
But still, you know the FBI had to have interviewed Marina Santos, right? Right? Uh. No.
I could go on but, hell, what’s the point?
Let’s examine the HRC email/server timeline:
January 13, 2009: Hillary Clinton’s aide Justin Cooper sets up domain. Huma Abedin signs off on it. Email address is (HDR = Hillary Diane Rodham)
February 2, 2009: Clinton is sworn in as Secretary of State
March 18, 2009: Clinton stops using her BlackBerry email account and switches to the newly created account. The domain is hosted on her own private email server, set up by her aide Bryan Pagliano
September 11, 2012: Four Americans are killed in attack on a U.S. base in Benghazi, Libya including Ambassador Chris Stevens
January 23, 2013: Clinton responded forcefully to intense questioning on the September attacks on U.S. diplomatic sites in Benghazi, Libya, during a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC
February 1, 2013: Clinton steps down as secretary of state
October 28, 2014: State Department demands Clinton’s work-related correspondence as part of a congressional investigation into Benghazi
Fall 2014: Clinton’s lawyers deletes 33,000 emails which they claim are ‘personal’
December 5, 2014: Clinton’s legal team provide roughly 30,000 emails to the State Department when they are demanded by a congressional investigation into Benghazi.
March 2, 2015: The New York Times breaks the news that Clinton used a personal email account to conduct government business while secretary of state
July 25, 2015: Clinton says she is confident none of the emails on her private email server were classified at the time of sending and receiving
August 4, 2015: The Washington Post reveals the FBI has begun looking into the security of Clinton’s private email set-up
September 10, 2015: Bryan Pagliano formally asserts his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination rather than answer questions from a Republican-led House committee on her email arrangements
July 6, 2016: The Justice Department closes Clinton email probe and FBI Director James Comey announces the FBI won’t prosecute. The decision was made by Comey because Attorney General Loretta Lynch had to recluse herself after a secret meeting with Bill Clinton
October 7, 2016: WikiLeaks begins release of thousands of emails hacked from the Gmail account of John Podesta, Clinton’s campaign chair
October 28, 2016: FBI reopens its investigation into Clinton’s server
And now:
November 6, 2016: FBI announces it will not change its original decision not to charge Clinton.
Let’s next examine a timeline of Hillary Rodham Clinton’s private server:
June 2008: An Apple Power Mac server, purchased by Bill Clinton’s aide Justin Cooper in 2007, is installed in the basement of the Clintons’ home in Chappaqua, New York. It initially handles traffic for Bill Clinton but soon is used by Clinton and her staff as well
Fall: Computer equipment from Clinton’s presidential campaign is tapped as a replacement – a Dell PowerEdge 2900 Windows Server and Microsoft Exchange and a 1950 running a BlackBerry Enterprise Server. Clinton aide Bryan Pagliano starts work on building the system, believing it will be used by Bill Clinton’s staff
January 2009: It is decided that the Apple server must be replaced as it is having problems with the volume of traffic
March 2009: Pagliano installs the server he has built in a rack in the Chappaqua house basement, with the help of Cooper. Pagliano, who is administrator for the new device, transfers the Apple server emails onto the new device. The new server is backed up once a week onto a Seagate external hard drive. The FBI has never obtained the Apple server for examination
January 2013: Clinton’s chief of staff, Cheryll Mills, recommends Denver, Colorado-based IT firm Platte River Networks (PRN) to manage the server to help with user limitations and reliability concerns
June 23, 2013: A Platte employee removes the server from the Chappaqua home to a data center in Secaucus, New Jersey, run by Equinix, to migrate it to a new server
June 30, 2013: The Clintons’ email accounts are migrated to the Platte server
July 18, 2013: Platte signs an agreement to manage the new, third server, a Dell PowerEdge R620. Platte subsequently configure a backup device from Datto, Inc, a Connecticut-based company, to take multiple snapshots of the system daily and to store the information for 60 days. The device also takes copies of the Pagliano server between June 24-December 23
December 2013: The Pagliano server is fully decommissioned
December 2014: Clinton and Abedin begin using the domain hrcoffice and stop using
October 3, 2015: The Pagliano server is voluntarily handed over to the FBI.
A few teeny-weeny extras I’d care to add (for those of us non-journalistas who still have memories): does anyone remember Bill Clinton’s National Security Advisor Sandy Berger getting caught stuffing classified documents into his pants and socks back in 2003? I do. Berger was let off with a misdemeanor charge, no jail time (he was placed on probation for two years) and a $50,000 fine. Who helped finagle that wonderful deal and helped limit the scope of the investigation as a deputy AG at Justice? Our Jim Comey.
Let us not forget that Loretta Lynch and Comey are buds. They both served as U.S. attorney in New York, Lynch for the Eastern District of New York, and Comey for the Southern District of New York.
Here’s another greasy aside I’ll wager you didn’t know: Sandy Berger, Loretta Lynch and Cheryl Mills all worked as partners in the Washington law firm Hogan & Hartson, which prepared tax returns for the Clintons and did patent work for a software firm that — wait for it — played a role in the private email server Hillary Clinton used.
Messages found stored on Clinton’s private email server via Wikileaks show that Sandy Berger, already a convicted thief of classified documents, was advising Hillary Clinton as secretary of state and had access to emails containing classified information. Fox and hen-house, anyone? Bueller?
Are you beginning to see how enmeshed, complicated, self-serving and inexorably-linked this all is? It’s but a fraction.
Director Comey and AG Lynch have also colluded to set a precedent they (and the nation) perhaps will wish they hadn’t. That is, with the staggering amount of evidence collected, the shocking amount of evidence officially destroyed and the unprecedented granting of various immunities papering the landscape, I could make an excellent argument — as a defense attorney — for no charges against persons in similar classified security circumstances.
Let’s call it The Hillary Deal. As in, “I want what Hillary got.” Hell, let’s revisit the cases where persons went to prison for much less.
Now is the time for all good and true FBI agents to rally together, continue to submit resignations, acquire a vote of NO CONFIDENCE in the corrupt FBI upper management and start making phone calls to Congress on behalf of the truth. It’s past time for line-level agents to cast aside their management’s “leadership” and demand accountability for the purely self-serving and political decisions that have been made by Comey and Lynch via the jaundiced the prejudicial eye of Barack Hussein Obama. It is also past time for a RICO investigation of all the above persons.
The fix was in. The fix was always in. The FBI and the DOJ are officially out of the law enforcement and justice business, now heavily invested in the immunity and politics business. I guess their name may now change to the Federal Bureau of Immunity.
The umbrage was fake; the investigation was fake. Because here is the bottom line: Barack Hussein Obama sent emails (under an alias) to HRC’s homebrew server. Comey believed he couldn’t recommend an indictment for her because that would reveal Obama’s complicity and exposure to indictment. You recall, of course, that Obama enacted “executive privilege” with regard to those emails. It was a faux investigation from the very beginning.
With one announcement, this is just about tantamount to the hijacking of our entire criminal justice system — and with it — a soft coup on the whole nation.
Goodbye rule of law; we have become just another Banana Republic, ladies and gentlemen, except that the dictators have nicer planes and more heavily-armored cars at their disposal than others.
And, oh yeah, they have every American Taxpayer on the hook.
The emails were laundered? didn’t know there are printer cartridges with non-fading ink, any idea where those are sold?
Seriously, though, here’s my thought for later this week. Either:
1-killery gets enough electoral votes to “win”, and she accelerates the timeline of .gov interference in people’s lives, in all aspects, with obozo’s collusion. No reason to wait until Jan 17, she’s in.
2-trumpeter gets enough electoral votes, but killery disputes the results, so everything is reviewed by the courts, senate and house, and she is declared the “winner”, and she’s in.
The ugly is approaching, and so many people don’t care, it’ll be amusing when this bites them on the ass, and they’ll say, “why didn’t anyone tell me” when they couldn’t be bothered to look around, except I doubt there will be much time for humor.
The UGLY is in fact approaching at a prodigious rate.
Humor is mostly gone. Mine certainly is.
Well, I would suggest that you should try to retain a little humor, although I acknowledge that is difficult. So, because it’s Monday, and those can be screwed up on their own, and because of what we’re viewing and discussing, I offer this short video missive.
Thank you kindly.
Comey has made the FBI one big joke. No longer will it be trusted unless Trump wins tomorrow and does a complete overhaul. Surprised some of the honest agents within the agency haven’t knocked the crap out of him for besmirching their reputation. With the Justice Dept as corrupt as it is, one kind of knew this would be the result. Hilliarly is still guilty as sin. Will take a new and different govt to correct the wrongs. If the vote tomorrow doesn’t correct the wrongs of Obama/Clinton, other methods must be implemented.
I’ll say it again. No matter who wins, the tumult is far from over.
There is still a swamp. And the swamp still requires draining.
The rule of ‘law’ is officially dead in .gov… When Comey rolls over a second time, it’s done… One wonders ‘what’ will be leaked in the days after the elections by NYPD/others that have access.
I was wondering that myself.
Here it is Tuesday Nov 8th, voting day.
We voted early.
It is raining here presently in Gun Barrel City, Texas.
Hopefully it is Hillary’s supporters tears.
We voted Trump. So,,,,wait and see………………………