Feds suggest anti-Muslim speech can be punished

Islam BeheadsFrom Josh Gerstein in Politico:

A U.S. attorney in Tennessee is reportedly vowing to use federal civil rights statutes to clamp down on offensive and inflammatory speech about Islam.

Bill Killian, U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Tennessee, was quoted by the Tullahoma News this week suggesting that some inflammatory material on Islam might run afoul of federal civil rights laws.

“We need to educate people about Muslims and their civil rights, and as long as we’re here, they’re going to be protected,” Killian told the newspaper.

While threats directed at individuals or small groups can lead to punishment, First Amendment experts expressed doubt that the government has any power to stop offensive material about Islam from circulating.

“He’s just wrong,” said Floyd Abrams, one of the country’s most respected First Amendment attorneys. “The government may, indeed, play a useful and entirely constitutional role in urging people not to engage in speech that amounts to religious discrimination. But it may not, under the First Amendment, prevent or punish speech even if it may be viewed as hostile to a religion.”

“And what it most clearly may not do is to stifle political or social debate, however rambunctious or offensive some may think it is,” Abrams said.

A conservative watchdog group, Judicial Watch, accused the Obama administration of using federal law to specifically protect Muslims from criticism.

So I suppose Mr Killian wouldn’t much care for my blog.

Killian said Internet postings that violate civil rights are subject to federal jurisdiction.

“That’s what everybody needs to understand,” he said.

But be careful, sir, about that precious First Amendment.  Because when you lose the Second, you naturally lose the First.  And you, Mr Killian, are doing your best to hasten, concomitantly, the demise of the First.

Cut down from within.

Just as history has seen for many powerful nations, over the span of time.

Be very, very careful.

And you, ladies and gentlemen, be extremely protective of your First and Second.


Because, after all, those people pictured above need to be protected more than you.


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27 thoughts on “Feds suggest anti-Muslim speech can be punished

  1. It appears that great minds do think alike… My Saturday post will deal with this same topic, in a different light, but the topic has inspired a few angry words from this Oath Keeper and defender of the Constitution and FREE SPEECH!

  2. In a land of true free speech even the most offensive words are allowed. We lost that some time ago, I think. We no longer are allowed to use the ‘w’ word, the ‘r’ word, the ‘n’ word (unless of course you are an ‘n’) and the list gets longer.
    The idea that the Federal Government is collaborating with American Muslim Advisory Council of Tennessee (AMACTN) to prevent people from saying things which might hurt the feelings of the delicate muslims is beyond belief.
    Guess the separation of church and state card is only played when Christianity is involved.
    Whats’ next, will we see islam placed on the endangered species list as a ‘threatened’ species?
    If a muslim does not like the fact that in this country he or she may hear something which offends their religion, if it bothers them SO MUCH, then they need to go to another country where this will not be a problem. I would urge them to do so.

    • The First Amendment EXISTS for “offensive speech;” it does nothing for speech of pablum — that’s not its point.


  3. Proving over and over that our govt is nothing but a bunch of frickin bullies. Just like a bully, they only beat up on those that they can. If you enact a law like this, then you must enact a law that punishes muslims when they offend someone else. Go ahead…try that one on for size. If they go after christians or jews or basically anyone but a muslim, they can force compliance and with almost no risk to themselves. However, if they go after muslims, they will eventually face a beheading, or other physical retribution. So, they NEVER go after the real lawbreakers and the ones that are truly offensive to everyone. After all, what is more offensive, someone calling you name or making fun of you, or somone killing you?

    Their a bunch of bullies and they just don’t get it. Somehow protecting the VERY VERY MINOR set of people that ultimately hate America and just a soon destroy it and everyone in it, instead of the 99.99999999% of this country that love this country and believe in the FIRST amendment.

    How do these idiots get in office? No matter how fast we vote them out (if and when we can), another one pops back up. Voting politicians in and out of office has become an endless tiring game of whack-a-mole.

    • ” If you enact a law like this, then you must enact a law that punishes muslims when they offend someone else.”

      But, of course, you KNOW that reciprocal will NOT occur at all.


  4. Consider this shared across a few media stages.

    dekare is correct, the true bullies will never be faced down – because they will retaliate. It is considered “safe” to bully Christians and Jews, because those groups probably won’t retaliate. Guess what? That’s starting to change – I know of more and more Christians who are starting to exercise their rights under the Second Amendment right along with the First. And, carrying a personal defense weapon isn’t a new thing, let’s go back to the Garden of Gethsemane and see which side drew first blood …

  5. So in the fantasy world of Obamathink it is ok for Muslims to carry signs saying they will behead us and we can’t insult them in any way or we will face prosecution. This sounds nuts but it really is serious and we need to stop this now. We really do live in an age where up is down and right is wrong.

  6. Answer: Keep away from any muslim.
    Do not communicate,do business with any muslim.
    A muslim gets”points” to lie to any infidel. An infidel is any person who is not muslim.
    Works for me.

  7. Towelheads are one of the main reasons why we MUST keep the 2nd amendment alive! They can have their machetes and I will have my 30-06. Guess who’s going to win.

    • Joe, much like the first scene in Indiana Jones.

      My country FIRST. Invaders and secondaries to the side.


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