Michelle Malkin de-bones Juan Williams over Obama’s lies

Yes, perhaps a bit of schadenfreude, but I certainly enjoy watching Leftists hoisted on the petard of their own purposeful choosing, and I further enjoy watching falsehoods and outright lies exposed to the faces of Leftists.  To wit:

Clearly, Michelle Malkin is more than capable of removing the skeletal structure of Juan Williams.  Williams, like an addled goof, smiles throughout it all.  He offers no logical retorts or responses except religion.  Williams offers only religion.

How so, you ask?  Because Juan Williams and Leftists of his kind expect you to proffer only faith.  They expect you to exude faith and simply believe.  How strange that the Secular Left expect you to believe — hallelujah! — in Anthropomorphic Global Warming and — can I get another hallelujah! — in our Leftist Savior, Barack Hussein Obaka!  Praise Obaka, peace be upon him!

And Williams, of course, is far from the worst of the Leftists in the media.

I just thought there needed to be some sense displayed today.




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8 thoughts on “Michelle Malkin de-bones Juan Williams over Obama’s lies

  1. I wish someone would give Juan Williams his “walking papers”!
    Yes, fire the lying black bastard.
    Who would trust him????

      • I think Fox keeps Juan Williams on board because he gets us stirred up by letting us in on what the Leftists are thinking and up to. I have a lot of respect for Michelle Malkin.

  2. Clearly, doesn’t like females arguing with him. After all, he is a “real” journalist and she is a Colorado Springs housewife who isn’t invited to the important meetings.

    • WSF, I suspect there a LOT of that in his mind — “how did she get to more popular than I am, a ‘true’ Journalista’ “?

      On the other hand, was he anything more than a Newsreader on NPR, either?


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