New Signs of Rising Illegal Immigration into US

uni_oregon_walk_license_121026_wgWow!  Such good news!


Associated Press
After dropping during the recession, the number of immigrants crossing the border illegally into the U.S. appears to be on the rise again.

The total number of immigrants living in this country unlawfully edged up from 11.3 million in 2009 to 11.7 million last year, with those from countries other than Mexico at an apparent all-time high, according to a report released Monday by Pew Research Center’s Hispanic Trends Project.

To quote Chief Dan George, my heart “soars like an eagle” with this news.



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2 thoughts on “New Signs of Rising Illegal Immigration into US

  1. Is it just me, or does the fact they know how to count them but not catch them and deport them seem a little – I don’t know, “stupid” leaps to mind – out of sync with reality?

    • Let me give you some insight, Cary, into the line level federal cops.

      Only TWO agencies train at Quantico: the FBI and the DEA.

      All OTHERS train at FLETC and other smaller adjunct facilities. The USBP is one of those agencies. They are PROUD and they are well trained and they are muzzled.

      ANY limitation on a LE federal agency comes STRAIGHT from DC.

      No more plain than that.


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