Obama: using Trayvon Martin as nothing more than a political tool

Obama Race CardWay to go, Mr Obama; we would expect nothing less of you: take full advantage of the death of a black man to further enable your political ends.  How craven of you.

From NBCNews.com:

Obama: Honor Trayvon Martin by battling gun violence

President Obama called on the nation to honor Trayvon Martin a day after George Zimmerman was acquitted of his murder by asking “ourselves if we’re doing all we can to stem the tide of gun violence.”

His comments came as family members of Zimmerman and Martin, as well as pundits, celebrities, and court observers had strong reactions to Saturday’s not guilty verdict, with those reactions taking various forms — from joy and outrage to Shakespearean references and calls for peace.

Leftists, Progressives and Demorats will call again and again for the limitation of our freedoms, to include restrictions on the Second Amendment — which lead to restrictions of the First and all other amendments in the Bill of Rights — and an increase in our taxes.

Restrictions and money — they both answer every Demorat question or problem.  Except they do not, and never have.  You cannot change a culture with money.  You cannot make blacks value the lives of its own young black men, with money.  You cannot eradicate gangs with money.  You cannot bring black fathers back into the lives of black children with money.

You can, however, drive the once-nuclear black family apart with money — welfare money.  You can pay blacks money to eliminate the influence of the father.  You can pay single-parent black families to continue to break apart and you can guarantee this breakdown (and thus a continual reliance on government) by never stopping the flow of welfare cash.  Then you can create generation after generation of blacks who have been highly incentivized to demand their Free Cheese, instead of promoting their ability to learn how to make cheese for themselves.  Independence vs dependence.  For votes.  Voting themselves “largesse.”

But little occurs in a vacuum so what, do you think, happened when traditional and nuclear black families were eliminated with purpose and profound naivete by Demorats?

Gangs happened.

Because people are primarily Social Animals.  And when you stop the Natural Family, the vacuum created embraces gangs.  Because gangs are, at their most base, a family enabling a sense of belonging and engendering loyalty.  Rewarding loyalty.

Restrictions and money.

Money solves nothing; it only serves to make the problems addressed more convoluted and expands government and its concomitant bureaucracy.  It pays administrators bloated sums for glotted directorates, broken group-think, ever-expanding budgets, and a mindset that continues to believe that removing our freedoms and then selling them back to us, when the bureaucracy so deigns, is a good thing.

Finally: thanks again, Mr Obama, for being on the wrong side of an issue and further exposing your racist aspects, noting your comment: “You know, if I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon.”

Nothing like putting the force of the entire Presidential Bully Pulpit against a suspect where, in this country, persons are allegedly considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.  Unless one wishes Napoleonic Law.  Or one is a racist.  Or perhaps even both when it serves.

Let us not forget that it was Mr Obama’s DOJ that paid people to protest against George Zimmerman.  If that isn’t biased and racist, I cannot conjure what is.  Yes; perpetrated under the cloak of the power of presidential authority.

I leave you with this clue from the very beginning: “At the time, police said they found no evidence to contradict Zimmerman’s claim of self-defense.”  [20][22][23]

One high-profile dead black man = wonderful political fodder for Mr Obama.

Your Loving Black President at work.


Obama Racist Words



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5 thoughts on “Obama: using Trayvon Martin as nothing more than a political tool

  1. One of your best…thanks! So hard to believe we have come to this place with HIM at the helm….so sad.

  2. President elect Obama is a despicable bastard, plain and simple.
    His hatred for this country is so evident, yet, few seem to realize how disastrous this administration has been.

    His practice of identity politics is intentionally divisive. If he had a son he’d look like Trayvon. Indeed. And that’s all that really matters. Notice the president elect doesn’t say that could have been my son. No, no. That simply wouldn’t do because that makes the disconnect too obvious.

    Really though, what they president elect has said is “they all look alike.” And given that the president elect has evoked the image of his son then he is obliged to summon the actions of his son. Then they all act alike too don’t they. And perhaps they all deserve the same too. That’s where identity politics gets you.

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