“Romney’s Gaffe” — no real controversy, just the truth:

First, the video from what was thought to be a private fundraiser in May of this year:

The DEM/MSM is taking this video from Mother Jones viral today, and every organ that can write, broadcast, bleat or whine is opining on its content.  The DEM/MSM is saying that Mitt Romney kissed half of the electorate goodbye in the video.

Sadly, in my estimation and that of others, what Romney said tends to be the truth.  The additional truth is that people don’t care to have their greed placed quite so bluntly on Front Street.  Makes them uncomfortable, you see.

The truth is — again — that too many Americans on numerous levels simply want:

The DEM/MSM is going to ensure that Romney’s video is in the forefront 24/7 for at least the next week, minimum.

That said, since any campaign involves a war of words, historically, everything is up for grabs.  If Romney’s words bear examination, I submit that Mr Obama’s words are also up for critical examination — in terms of “I actually believe in redistribution.”

This, of course, isn’t a fabrication on my part.  I’m not nearly so technologically facile as those who know me realize.

And allow me to state the obvious with regard to “earned success,” which is to what Mr Romney refers.  From Arthur Brooks of the American Enterprise Institute:

People take pride in success, in doing things for themselves.  This is the foundational point of Conservatism.  In three words: Free Cheese Corrupts.

Question: is this Romney’s proverbial “death knell”?

“Socialism always promises happiness, and delivers misery.”
– Arthur Brooks

I could not possibly have said it better.




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6 thoughts on ““Romney’s Gaffe” — no real controversy, just the truth:

    • But this “truth” burns the asses of — though you and I would contest this — the BULK of Americans these days.

      Kids and families are NOT like you and me, these days.

      They are all out for what they can acquire “for free.”

      And yes, they ARE sufficiently STUPID to realize there is no such thing as “free” absent TAXATION.


  1. Glad to see him standing up for what he said. As he said, he could have phrased it better. Right now the progs are having orgasms; think this will give Obama the election. In fact, their mouths will overload their asses. Romney said what many people in this country believe to be true. Hope in the end it helps him.

    • WSF, if you look at the polls, most any of them still have Romney and Obama neck-and-neck. DESPITE Mr Obama having all of the DEM/MSM on his side as well as unions, educators, etc.

      If Mr Obama were quite up to his press, the polls wouldn’t be even REMOTELY close. He’d be stomping Romney from now until forever.

      Yes he’s not.

      And therein lies the chance of an overturn come November.


  2. This is what was discussed at the rally I attended today. And you know what it’s in the bible, if you don’t work you don’t eat. Nothing is free, someone is paying the lazy deadbeats who refuse to get off government assistance.

    FYI, the first video is no longer available to view.

    Romney isn’t perfect by all means, but at least he’ll admit his mistakes.

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