Unseen on the MSM: death threats to Romney following the debate

From InfoWars.com:

Despite numerous media outlets attempting to downplay the issue, Twitter exploded last night following the debate with new threats from Obama supporters to assassinate Mitt Romney if he defeats Obama in the presidential race.

As we reported yesterday, in addition to threats by Obama supporters to riot if Romney wins, innumerable Twitter users are also making direct death threats against Romney.

The primary reason given for Obama supporters wanting to see Romney dead is the fear that he will take away food stamps.

If the tables were turned and conservatives were making death threats against Obama in these numbers, it would be a national news story. Indeed, the mere act of hanging empty chairs from trees as a reference to Clint Eastwood’s RNC speech was hyped by the media as a deadly sign that conservatives were out to lynch black people if Obama won.

However, the major networks have remained completely silent on the disturbing trend of Obama supporters threatening to resort to violence if their candidate fails to secure a second term.

Ah, the adoring, peaceful, understanding, sympathetic, non-violent, non-judgmental, all-inclusive, free-speech-loving Leftists in this country.

As noted above: I wonder how the DEM/MSM would cover the story were the persons reversed?




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17 thoughts on “Unseen on the MSM: death threats to Romney following the debate

  1. If we can get the Secret Service OUT of Colombian whore houses and get them sobered up, they have some work to do…

    YES, I AM that critical of the Secret Service, not that I blame them, if I had to protect Obama I’d drink too, but it’s rapidly becoming another day, and Obama is about to be history, and his sycophants KNOW it too…

  2. It’s only going to get worse. Those people are out of control and they thrive on their hate.

    These are actual death threats and they should be taken seriously.

    • Romney won’t speak about it, I’ll wager, and you won’t hear anything further from the DEM/MSM unless he happens to be shot.

      Bank on it.


  3. If Romney wins, the usual suspects will be attacking whites for having the audacity to be white, helping themselves to free televisions and burning down their own neighborhoods; plan for it and steer clear of those lovely, diverse, urban wonderlands.

  4. You want to find out what white people think, well, go to a gun show.
    I’ve gone to several recently, and this topic is countered with “well, bring it on!”.

    I’m satisfied with Romney’s answers.
    O’bastard is a liar.
    Obaka is exactly what he is, and many now are seeing this.
    Be ready for riots folks.
    It is un-folding in front of you.
    I will watch this Monday’s debate, and watch and listen for more of Obaka’s lies.
    That’s all he can do to protect his czar’s and fifedom.

  5. Saw Romney here in Leesburg tonight.
    Dennis Miller opened with the bitter coffee joke… a cup of Joe.
    Solid rally. Tons of security around but they were very casual as they knew this crowd was no problem at all. It was almost like they were there with us.

    Heh… TSA did the pat-downs, but I didn’t see any portable porno booths.
    Romney was great. He spent a very decent amount of time on veteran appreciation and segued into defense spending cuts, very big topic for No. Va.
    After he finished he came down and took, what I thought, was an extraordinary amount of time shaking hands with folks. He was leaving but then turned around to shake even more… maybe even 15 minutes of this. He seemed to be enjoying himself.

    On my way out the snipers were coming in off the hill and wherever else. People passing by were thanking them. It wasn’t the stuff of Norman Rockwell but it’s the closest I’ve seen in a long long time.

    My daughter had a good seat; you can see her head between the letters E and A under “rEAl recovery” here:

    It was a good night; the liberals stayed home and all was right in this town. Damn, I wish they’d stay home forever.

    • Yeah, as you clearly illustrate here, it’s those damned Conservatives, TEA Party people and Romney supporters who are rabble-rousing and making demands and shattering windows and crapping on cop cars. DAMN them.


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