Tuesday’s presidential debate: the TRUTH actually comes out now

Despite what you may hear or read on the DEM/MSM — who are doing their level best to confuse, obfuscate, divert, misdirect and outright lie — things are not going quite so well for Mr Barack Hussein Obama.

First: those pesky polling numbers that the Left are trying to avoid like the proverbial plague: 51% would vote for Romney, 45% would vote for Obama.  Hello?  Can you say the word “plummet”?  I knew you could.

Second: it turns out that, factually, the Demorats acquired more speaking time than the Republicans.  How does that happen — ? (The sound of my hand slapping my forehead.)

Third: Candy Crowley interrupted Romney 28 times.  She interrupted Obama 9 times.  In the first debate, Lehrer interrupted Romney 15 times and Obama 5 times.  Nah.  No bias there whatsoever.

Fourth: the University of Colorado predicts there is a 77% chance Romney will win the popular vote.  The poll has accurately predicted every presidential election since it was developed in 1980.

Fifth: the White House itself contradicted the president’s debate statement about his early declaration of the Benghazi attack as an act of terrorism.

Sixth: Mr Obama “spiked the football” in his glee over the assassination of Osama bin Laden.  And political glee it was.  His administration swore that al Qaeda was “on the ropes” when, in fact, they were building for Benghazi.  Even Diane Feinstein (whom I voted out for Emken) — an ancient female Leftist — admits that “it appeared an intelligence mistake along with inadequate security were to blame for the Sept. 11 terrorist attack on the American Embassy in Benghazi, Libya that claimed the lives of Ambassador Chris Stevens, a Bay Area native, and three others.”

If al Qaeda is “on the ropes,” then WHY did the FBI announce that it recently foiled an attack on the Federal Reserve bank in New York, involving a man named  Quazi Mohammad Rezwanul Ahsan Nafis as the suspect?  He wouldn’t happen to be MUSLIM, would he?  He wouldn’t happen to be linked to al Qaeda, would he?  Nah; not with a name like that.

And there wouldn’t be an online terror magazine name “Inspire,” would there?  In fact, here is Volume One.

No.  Of course not.  None of the above is true.

Just ask Mr Obama.

Because, after all, al Qaeda is “on the run” and “on the ropes” and, if Mr Obama can continue this lie, he can therefore justify the massive defense cuts he proposes.

Who needs the American military, anyway?

Who needs a debate?

Hell, who needs a vote?

Just take the presidency, Mr Obama, by fiat and EO.




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6 thoughts on “Tuesday’s presidential debate: the TRUTH actually comes out now

  1. Candy Crowley. Two days after the debate, she made three appearances in Colorado promoted by “Progressive Now”. What a joke she is. Too bad the subject is so serious.

    The Valarie Jarrett types have probably suggested fiat and EO. Need to keep their gravy train going. Hell is paying your own way.

    • But hey, to make things “even” and “fair,” the final debate on Monday will be hosted by Sean Hannity, correct?


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