And to that I reply: “did someone say pull out all the stops on this post?”
Why, yes, I suppose someone did.
Obama got voted into office in his first and second terms because he is black. Plain and simple. He’s black enough to vote for, convenient for some, inconvenient for others. He’s black like this:
Figure 1. Mr Obama
Not black like this:
Figure 2. Not Mr Obama
No GOWP would admit it, but their votes are prejudiced in and of themselves. They would never vote for a black man who appears like Shabazz. The nose is too flat, the skin too dark, the scowl too offensive, the tattoos, the dreadlocks; no, that simply cannot be. He is not a “clean” black man.
And that is what GOWPs and other racists who voted for Mr Obama simply because of his melanin count acquired: a “clean” black man and nothing more. Oh, but wait: with a few other exceptions:
He has NPD, he is arrogant, a megalomaniac, literally raised by Communists and good friends with William Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn (both committed white Communist insurrectionists).
His pastor was the Reverend Jeremiah Wright:
Samuel L Jackson admitted he voted for Barack Hussein Obama solely because he was black. So did an admitted 90% + of black Americans. And GOWPs weighed in (Guilty Overeducated White People) also for the same reason, because Mr Obama was clean (see Figure A). Not like the other man (see Figure B).
With Mr Obama, his minions, his sycophants, his supporters, his educators, his creators, it all comes down to one thing: race. Well, okay, and a few other things as well, to include Cloward-Piven and anarchy and tearing down America. Heavy sigh.
Racists, all of them; including Mr Obama. They fail to see people as individuals, they see people only in terms of color.
That said, new headlines from the WCO (Water Carriers for Obama), the New York Times:
White House Aide Calls Criticism of Obama ‘Offensive’
By BRIAN KNOWLTONA senior adviser to President Obama mounted a combative defense of the administration on Sunday, saying the controversies enveloping the White House were the result of Republican lawmakers’ trying to “drag Washington into a swamp of partisan fishing expeditions, trumped-up hearings and false allegations.”
He (Dan Pfeiffer) pointedly rejected Republican criticisms of the president’s actions and leadership style as “offensive” and “absurd,” and he said the administration would not be distracted from doing the nation’s business.
And there you have it in one complete and easily summarized little nutshell: those four Americans who died in Benghazi died for nothing, and to demand the truth, an accountability and responsibility during Mr Obama’s watch is “offensive.”
But let’s just complete that sentence, ladies and gentlemen: “the criticism is offensive because _____ __ _____.”
Please allow me to fill in the final three words: “Obama is black.”
How dare you treat Mr Obama like any other president because, after all, Mr Obama is black. Which makes anyone demanding accountability a racist.
See how easy that was? It’s called deflection and it works for GOWPs because it stirs up emotions: they feel guilty; it works for blacks because they voted for The Black Man due to his melanin count and nothing more.
Mr Obama helps himself out because of his narrow racial views as well.
He says that, as a “African American” (a hyphenate) you must work “twice as hard.”
My point precisely! It takes an incredible work ethic to get up at roughly noon in order to sling drugs in the neighborhood. Oh, that’s right, yes: the neighborhood I see every day, where my wife lives. It takes an incredible work ethic to open your garage door and invite your partying friends over late at night, drinking beer, smoking dope, and hosting all the local thump cars: dopers in their new Dodge Chargers, Conestoga Wagons, 1975 Cadillacs, black Escalades with spinners (though spinners are so yesterday). Oh, that’s right, yes: the neighborhood I see every day, where my wife lives. And it takes an incredible work ethic to be in your 20s and play basketball in your driveway all day, every day, with your 20-something friends as well. Basketball is hard work! Oh, that’s right, yes: the neighborhood I see every day, where my wife lives. Neighbors driving newer cars, with newer toys, TVs, motorcycles, clothing, and seldom leaving the house but for a few minutes. As in: not going to work. Oh, that’s right, yes: the neighborhood I see every day, where my wife lives.
It took a black officer of rank on our department tons of sweat and arduous times in order to achieve his position so that he could swive women extramaritally and become corrupt to the point where the administration must keep him out of the way and buried if for no other reason than he can no longer testify in open court. A man taken right out of the academy and placed into a prestigious unit because — wait for it — he is black. And throughout all of that no one has fired him because — wait for it — he is black. Where a white female Captain told me years ago that I would not get promoted because — wait for it — I am a Caucasoid male. I still hand it to her: that took large balls to tell me the actual truth.
Ah yes, racial clarity: this country is still populated by racists.
But, I submit, they’re precisely the opposite of who you think they are. And racism, these days, starts right at the top.
Trust me when I tell you: I am so fucking tired of racists playing the race card themselves.
I am so sick of that phrase “doing the nation’s business”. Benghazi, IRS, AP…these ARE PART of the “nation’s business”. Or does he consider them part of some other nation?
I hope ‘we’ won’t be deceived by these “offensive” tactics from the big DIC: Deceiver in Chief who I’m becoming convinced has made a pact with the devil…or would that be Soros?
One cannot criticize, Abigail. It appears you must be a racist. I’ll bet you’re a Caucasoid, also. . .
Causcasoid 100 percent and proud of it…Guess there’s no hope for me…
I suppose not. Simply take your bank account, drain it, and send the check in to the IRS so that, in its infinite and unsullied, non-corrupt wisdom, may disburse those funds to needy “minorities” across the nation who do not yet possess the newest LG 55″ flat screen monitor.
I suppose you’re right…sigh.
But wait! There is hope. Don’t projections show that in the not too distant future ‘whitey’ will be in the minority? Don’t the rules say that only a member of a minority can be a racist? Then we will officially be allowed to play the race card ourselves! Oh happy day!
Demographically, in Fornicalia, I am the new Minority. Yes.
Something tells me our “Race Card” shall be tacitly and profoundly ignored.
Am seeing a lot of Liberal postings on Facebook pushing the “Offensive” meme. Always put the following in the Comments, “Spin, spin, spin”. Wonder why I keep getting “unfriended”?
Let’s see. Long term LEO, trained observer, may have testified under oath and been closely questioned by defense attorneys, now makes observations about certain neighborhoods. No, we must ignore these equally offensive remarks because of the color of the inhabitants. Makes sense to me, not.
I get, or GOT the same thing… I weeded out my list on FB…
We all know about you, Fred, you racist — just like me. And just like me, you’ve sworn to ALWAYS point out the inequities of Obama and his ass-kissers, so my God, can you imagine how biased we must be? We not only dare to point out the Emperor is naked, but we point out HIS racism as well.
quote: “We not only dare to point out the Emperor is naked, but I also point out that Obama has a tiny penis”!
It matches his tiny brain.
Obungo, got into office only with socialist money!
These Socialists, Communists at heart, have been planning this US Government take-over for a long, long time.
It is now time to get all this crap “they” have done out into the public, and expose these commie bastards.
I expect pretty soon someone will expose the past hidden records on this president poser.
MrC, it would appear that as the weeks go on, the abortions in Mr Obama’s government become more naked. However, these things have been occurring all along in one form or another in Mr Obama’s Admin since Day One.
Well, ya’ll just go on ahead and be racist – because I point out issues with people no matter WHAT color they are. Does that make me “diverse” enough to join their kumbaya circle of drums?
Nope, because I am white.
And Benghazi, the IRS and Fast and Furious are, indeed, the nation’s business. Not just eh nation, but the PEOPLE of this nation’s business also – since the people we elected are in these areas up to their necks, we should have full discolsure, information, and accountability hearings on these issues until EVERYONE knows who knew what when and who gave which order when.
Of course we do. Mr Obama has clearly set the temper of his Administration and he is doing nothing but receiving what he has insisted upon and now he doesn’t care to be exposed to the light of day.
Minority or not, Whitey will NEVER be allowed to play the race card. If there were just 2 of us left, we would STILL be the racists.
So, I treat my “racist” moniker just like my gray hair, I am PROUD of it, I EARNED it! I am racist and PROUD of it. Of course, my definition of “racist” is not the same as theirs. A racist, if white, is one who hates the race card and would never stoop to use it.