12 thoughts on “Illustrated Truisms for Saturday:

  1. All great cartoons!! Just think…another EMPTY CHAIR. he’s so awful there are no words, BZ……….do you see him now trying to get that Jewish vote back? He has our UN Amb. and Sec of STate diss Netanyahu’s UN Speech and now he’s making nice with him, according to the leftwing media? WHat the heck is he pulling? this is getting scary as our president puts his campaign before our safety and Israel’s. Poor Bibi.

    • The media is making a last ditch effort to buttress and support EVERYthing The Anointed One does and says.

      The full court press is ON.


    • Excellent observation.

      Because, of course, he doesn’t UNDERSTAND Middle East politics.

      He would rather apologize to the world and blame 9/11 Islamist terrorism and death — of OUR OWN CITIZENS — on a terribly produced and lame video from some idiot fraudster.


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