These people vote:

I tried not to post this, because the people here are so incredibly daft, but they are indicative of a particular mindset in a particular community and series of communities.

First up to bid, a video that is now a classic:

Next, a card-carrying SEIU-paid supporter indicates Romney promises to tax people who have no money:

We now display for your continuing entertainment more SEIU-paid protesters at a Cleveland, Ohio Romney event, September 26th.  SEIU paid the protesters a massive $11 an hour:

Let’s see, the federal “minimum wage” is $7.25 an hour. In Ohio, it’s $7.70.  I thought Leftists and Progressives paid people an actual “living wage.”  There won’t be much living and benefits on $11.00 an hour, for a temporary job, Leftists.

For an interesting change-up, here is an average younger GOWP who believes that Ambassador Christopher Stevens “probably had it coming.”

I’m glad to see that Leftists and Obama supporters are continuing to be the kind, expressive and caring individuals we always knew them to be.

But here’s a bit of the kicker: some fronts are indicating that the mere mentioning or reproduction of the first video above is racist.  Yes.  Correct.  Pointing out that an individual is an uneducated dupe is racist — if the uneducated dupe is black.

You know, with everything else taken in perspective and the rest of the baggage slung on Romney, Republicans and Conservatives, it all makes sense now, doesn’t it?



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16 thoughts on “These people vote:

  1. The leftist’s all scream racist if one mentions anything about negroes and their lack of intellect.
    That’s their game,,,their credo.
    The funny thing is that this actually verifies that leftists are in fact stupid too.

    • It’s not a matter of Leftists being stupid “too.” We already knew that. It’s a matter of THEY crow about how SMART that THEY ARE. I’d submit this DISproves a good portion of that.


  2. Well BZ, ya do what you have to do, and if posting THE TRUTH is wrong, we are ALL wrong, you and me… The libbers keep telling us we’re wrong, but you know, that’s what convinces me to carry on… If the libber idiots think WE are wrong, we must be right!

    • Veritas, my friend, Veritas.

      And nothing burns more than the FLAMES of Leftists in their own words, books and videos.

      Just ask the chick at the top video, or Saul Alinsky if he were still alive.


  3. And an after thought: Look at the complexion of the majority of these $11 an hour paid human slugs and think ot this – 4 hours of hanging out being all *gansta* and shit can buy you a lot of *Ripple*…

    • Quite true. But this country has gone OUT of its WAY to create useless genetic mutants like the female at the top video. Generations of black males and once-nuclear black families ripped apart specifically BECAUSE of the so-called “largesse” of the federal government.

      Instead of making people tough, independent, wise, we’ve since chosen purposely to ensure that those at the bottom of the rung STAY at the bottom of the rung in order to KISS THE FEDERAL RING that PUT them there and KEEPS them there.


      • I have to disagree with you on that one my friend… No one has ensured that the Blacks, and others, stay on the bottom of the heap other than themselves, they have NO drive, NO ambition and NO desire to rise above the unwashed (m)asses that surround them…

        I was raised in an environment that encouraged me to quit school and get out into the world, and to try very hard to avoid prison, if I could… I was told, over and over, that I was no good, I was stupid, I wasn’t worth anything and that I would never amount to anything…

        I fell for it, for a short while…

        I picked myself up by the boot straps, got my GED, worked, raised a family, went to school at every opportunity, attained a degree in Criminal Justice, then in Criminology. I became a noted firearms instructor, armorer, user and shooter, I traveled the world extensively due to my chosen profession and I took an education from every nation and experience…

        I could have sat on my ass and drawn welfare, food stamps and unemployment, but I chose to do something with my life, to BE something, and by God I did it…

        These welfare slugs have ALL the same opportunities available to them, but WE don’t hold them down, their inbred ignorance and sloth like mentality holds them back…

        But WE are the racists for pointing it out!

        • But the federal government didn’t zero in on white families for Lyndon Johnson’s so-called “Great Society.” The focus at the time was on desegregation, the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

          You are correct when you say the opportunities have always been there — and they HAVE!

          The difference is that, due to GOWPs, one very specific segment was TARGETED for doom by the DEMORATS.

          What I’m saying is that you didn’t matter. You weren’t the focus. Neither was I. Caucasoids could go to hell.


  4. BZ . . . We have schooled a generation or more to be stupid. Plain stupid. Is it really so difficult to understand that work is necessary to pay your freight and it’s wrong to expect your neighbors to pay your bills? We are graduating illiterate kids from high school. We are paying billions to nations that hate us. We are sending food to corrupt officials to sell in nations where millions starve each year. We are providing technology to avowed enemy nations who threaten to bomb us. Bleah!

    • Bump, YES it is that difficult for people to comprehend those concepts, because that kind of thinking has been CRUSHED from their educational menus.

      “We are graduating illiterate kids from high school.” CORRECT. Because schools are PAID per-seat-occupied, and if Tyrone cannot read it’s because the schools would rather screw over Tyrone by kicking him up one level per year — to keep their cash — than actually teach him something valuable.

      Talk to teachers, for example. Find out what ACTUALLY occurs in an average Big City classroom. My guess is that you would vomit.


      • Except that teachers are a huge part of the problem here.
        The reason we’re still graduating a bunch of kids who cannot read or do simple math can mostly be laid at the feet of teacher’s unions who won’t clean up their own feces-covered workplace.

        More and more, I’m beginning to realize the ONLY way to fix this mess is for it to collapse so we can start from scratch.
        Be prepared for that…
        Or be a victim.

        • No doubt about that. I’d wager that teachers are predominantly Demorat. No shock. And they “buy into” the concept of sacrificing the many for the few.

          About that collapse thingy — ?

          If Obaka is re-elected, collapse WILL occur.


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