Obama: stuck on STUPID

Iran Nuke CartoonMr Obama is “stuck on stupid” with regard to his “negotiations” with Iran.  Perhaps I should rephrase: his capitulations regarding Iran.

When one negotiates, one hopes to acquire concessions from those with which you are bargaining.  Otherwise, it’s not a “negotiation,” it’s simply a surrender.

Furthermore, I would suggest that Mr Obama is not just stuck on stupid, he’s stuck on dangerous, for Israel as well as the United States.

Ripped from this weekend’s headlines, from the TimesofIsrael.com:

Khamenei calls ‘Death to America’ as Kerry hails progress on nuke deal

Day after Obama urges Iran to seize ‘historic opportunity,’ supreme leader says US seeks to create insecurity

Iran’s Supreme leader Ali Khamenei called for “Death to America” on Saturday, a day after President Barack Obama appealed to Iran to seize a “historic opportunity” for a nuclear deal and a better future, and as US Secretary of State John Kerry claimed substantial progress toward an accord.

I’m sure that Mr Obama will say that Iran didn’t really mean it.

And we’ll commit to lifting sanctions against Iran as well as allowing 6,000 centrifuges to continue spinning.  There will be no ballistic missile cuts for Iran.  And whatever limp-wristed deal gets cut sunsets in 10 to 15 years under ideal conditions.  Despite the fact that Iran has never once honored an agreement with the West, and in full consideration of Taqqiyah — never tell the truth to infidels, lie to them incessantly.

To continue on the path of negotiations in the face of these statements is insane.

Indeed, Mr Obama is the most dangerous man working against America extant.



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3 thoughts on “Obama: stuck on STUPID

  1. Correct and I don’t believe he is doing this by accident. Note ValJar’s ties to Iran and start considering the possibility Barry has been backed by Iran long before he became president.

  2. The president pulled our troops KNOWING that Iran would fill the void. He wanted it. Forget all the “ISIS” names and other monikers. They all translate to Iran. Starts with an “I”, same number of letters. Make the American people as blind and confused as possible as to who the enemy is, then he can continue with his agenda as the people scratch their heads, get headaches and turn the channel and go back to their selfies. Confusion is a POWERFUL control tool.

    Iran and Hezbollah have been REMOVED from the US Terrorist Watch list. I think MOST of us are old enough to recall ALL the horrific acts BOTH have committed against The United States. The fact that Israel is the single voice that dares to take a stand in that region, combined with the fact that the president and his minions are doing more to counteract Israel (who poses NO threat to us) than he does about the countries (such as Iran) who DO, should raise red flags with everyone.

    Have we learned NOTHING from The Cold War?! The USSR never nuked us because they had too much to lose themselves. Iran is a different story. They don’t care about their own people. We will KNOW the minute and second that Iran has nukes on ICBMs. So will Israel. Reality will come with a very bright and hot flash.

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