Obamacare: what next?

ObamaKare 5Here, Megyn Kelly interviews Brit Hume:

“What we’re discovering is that buying insurance is a little more complicated than we thought.”

— Barack Hussein Obama


This is the same man declared to be the smartest, most insightful person in politics today?  The man whose legacy, as he wishes, is Obamacare?  And because it’s his “showpiece” we’re to believe he had no idea that Americans would lose their coverage?  We’re to believe he had no idea how “complicated” is the purchase of health insurance?  Who had no idea the website was tanking because it had a political “go” date instead of an “it’s ready” date?

This is the same man who demanded insurance carriers conform to Obamacare, and now demands the insurance carriers not conform to Obamacare.  The same man who can, by dint of a verbal decree, change the ACA as he wishes, at the drop of a hat.

This is the same man who proclaimed that the insurance policies you once had were crap, were junk, were harmful, were dangerous — and now, wants you to have those same policies BACK?  Does anyone think that insurance carriers are focused and/or concerned about retrograding?  Does anyone think that insurance carriers can change the policies, in 30 days, that it took them 3.5 years to re-craft?

What the hell?

“When your enemy is on fire, don’t just stand around and watch, throw some gasoline on him.” ~ Andrea Tantaros on The Five

And with that, there you go.

A naked takeover of 1/6th of the entire national US economy at the behest of all the Demorats and none of the Republicans.

Obamacare came by Dictatorial Fiat, then and now.  Mr Obama has NO Constitutional authority to make ANY of these changes.

Obama’s sycophants think there’s still really nothing very much wrong.  Check Debbie Wasserman Schultz here.

I wrap up today’s insanity with the comment from another insane person, Nancy Pelosi, who told us we had to pass the ACA so we could know what was in it.  Pelosi said “I’ve never met anyone who liked their insurance plan.”

Of course.  That’s certainly justification for forcing, now, millions of Americans off their current health plans.

I could never, in a thousand years, have written fiction like this.  Except that it’s not fiction.  It’s happening.



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