Obama’s energy goals:

Obama Energy PlanExcellent insight from the Wall Street Journal:

“[I]n truth Mr. Obama’s target is all forms of carbon energy. Natural gas is next. The higher costs will ripple through the energy chain, which is precisely Mr. Obama’s goal. Only by artificially raising the cost of carbon energy can he make even heavily subsidized ‘renewables’ competitive. In general every $1 billion spent complying with an EPA rule threatens 16,000 jobs and cuts GDP by $1.2 billion — and the agency is now writing scores of multi-billion-dollar rules. Keep in mind that last month the Administration quietly raised the ‘social cost’ of carbon by 60% in a regulatory filing related to microwave ovens. That means the EPA can jack up costs by 59.99% and still justify them by claiming the higher benefits. … The Americans who will be harmed will have to console themselves with 99 weeks of jobless benefits, food stamps and ObamaCare.”

His his policy in a nutshell: drive up costs, force a socialized paradigm, enslave us to Conflict Oil.

And on Monday, July 1st, Fornicalia faces an additional 3.5 cent tax per gallon of fuel, making the state the highest-taxed in the nation at 71.5 cents per gallon.

A war on coal is exactly what’s needed,” says the Obama Administration.

Evidence, every day, of Mr Obama and Leftists purposely attempting to bring down the nation.


Obama Energy Policy


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11 thoughts on “Obama’s energy goals:

  1. Obama has been pushing $5 a gallon since at least 2008.


    Don’t you know, all of his policies are “for our own good”? We’re just to stupid to “get it”. It’s for the planet, for the children, economic justice, whatever. We need to let the smart people run things and appreciate what they let us have.

    Hope we as a country can survive the marriage of ivory tower wet dreams and the entrenched bureaucrats. One lacks economic understanding and the other sees empire building.

  2. So, are we going to stop him from destroying our country in the next 3 plus years or are we just going to let him take this country down? Maybe the GOP has too many RINOS and not enough balls to stop him?

      • I haven’t been much of a Palin supporter because OF the bullshit of the GOP, but if she were to do something like that I would follow her I believe..

        I am pretty sure the TEA Party thing is still as dead as dead can be… Sitting around talking at the coffee shop just doesn’t blow my skirt up…

  3. The ONLY reason I don’t want another party like the Freedom Party is that I worry it will split our vote and hand the next election to the Democrats who we absolutely have to defeat.

    • HG, yes, I am certain it would split the GOP. If there were an ACTUAL Conservative platform, I would place a big schism in the GOP. The Leftists would either win a few more elections, or we’d find out just where the rest of the country lies.


  4. Pingback: Keystone XL Pipeline: a surprise initial approval, to the chagrin of Leftists | Bloviating Zeppelin

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