Potential results of the Bundy Ranch, the IRS, ObamaCare and illegal immigration, in summary:

Cruz-on-obamas-lawsIf the feds keep arbitrarily “picking and choosing” which laws they wish to enforce, the electorate is left with no other option but the same thing: picking and choosing which laws THEY wish to obey. Or not.



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6 thoughts on “Potential results of the Bundy Ranch, the IRS, ObamaCare and illegal immigration, in summary:

  1. Our government, for the most part, has no integrity or clarity of thought on governance according to the Articles of the Constitution. America, it’s well past time to clean house!

  2. “it’s well past time to clean house!”

    YUP, by any means possible. We’ll get a preview in November whether or not the ballot box could be the answer.

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