Presidential Debate #1: Domestic Policy

The candidates debated at 6pm Pacific, from the University of Denver on Wednesday.

In my opinion, Mr Romney made any number of statements regarding facts that Mr Obama simply did not refute.  Obama obfuscated and changed topic.

Romney: “We know that the path we are taking is not working.”


Mr Romney proved that he has so much more experience than Mr Obama as to be ludicrous.  As governor; as a businessman; as a meeter-of-budgets; as a job creator; as a private business owner; as a manager; as a LEADER.

In this first debate, I would give a serious nudge to Mitt Romney as a winner; Obama stood tall but he fell back on repeated statement with few facts.  Both men withheld themselves.  Obama emphasized he was a fighter for the Middle Class.  But that was a massively hollow argument when his actions prove that he couldn’t quite care less about the Middle Class.  The only thing about “class” Mr Obama understands is that of CLASS WARFARE.

A brief bit of Roaming Through History with presidential debates:

Clinton’s “debate moment” against GHW Bush:

Al Gore, in 2000, tries to physically intimidate George Bush during the debate by violating his personal space:

Here, Obama kicks John McCain to the curb (truly, not too terribly difficult, considering):

I repeat: Romney ahead.  He kept composure and fought with facts.  He came out more aggressively than I suspected he would — and good for him.

Obama, when confronted with actual FACTS — as I insisted Romney do — Mr Obama had little if any cogent retort.  He seemed to be intensely scrutinizing his notes many times, head down.

I repeat: kill Obama with nothing more than FACTS.

Jugular time, Mr Romney.





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13 thoughts on “Presidential Debate #1: Domestic Policy

  1. I tried HARD to be fair as I watched, but I thought Obama was angry inside and doing a dandy job of hiding it. See, he hasn’t had anybody say NO for four years and obviously bullies himself through everything.
    He talked about the mortgage problem and how people shouldn’t have rec’d loans, but he stood there, thrilled, when Fannie Mae told the Black Caucus “everybody will get a house”.. I have VET friends who are bemoaning the length of time it takes to get care these days, etc…that’s because of the government BOARDS Obama just denied. RIDICULOUS!

    ROmney seemed VERY on point….sure knows his stuff, and my most important thing about him was how earnest he is about what he feels…this wasn’t a guy who’d just memorized points; he REALLY knows his stuff and he knows it deep inside, not just to regurgitate at a debate.

    Obama … God forbid we get another four years. He’s done so much worse than Romney had the time to point out, tho I was glad he kind of hit on SOlyndra, etc………………

    good post, BZ

    • You make an excellent point. He is the kind of individual to whom the word NO has seldom been used. You could see it in his facial expressions as Romney responded to various claims.

      On the other hand, IMHO, Romney is STILL almost too damned nice a guy to enter into “throw out the entrails” politics.


  2. I loved it when Romney stated that Obama was uttering blatant lies and compared him to children who say the same thing over and over in hopes that an adult will believe them; well done.

  3. I snickered as I watched President Obama put forth his economic plan…….”I’m gonna do what Bill Clinton did.”

  4. BZ, once again you don’t get it. The “smartest people in the room” are responsible for “vision” and “policy”. It is for the “little people” to worry about the bothersome nuts and bolts. Mean of you to expect them to know the mundane details. That is like expecting a university professor to know where the custodians work from. Tsk, tsk.

  5. Last night everyone except the most rabid Obama sycophants were firmly convinced; Barack Hussein Obama is an idiot of the 1st order…

    Of course they still love Obama and will vote FOR Obama, but now the reasons have drastically changed… Now it’s because they just don’t want to *kick a brother* while he’s down…

    • Even Chris Matthews, the guy who “gets a tingle down his leg” for Obama, didn’t much care for the results.


  6. The ties were the first thing I noticed!

    Romney was spot-on, answered every question with facts! Obama became more and more irritated and angry and at the end was unable to hide his disdain. He couldn’t back anything up he was saying. He was almost to the point of babbling.

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