Again, “minorities” being racist: black brunch

[I use quotation marks above because, in Occupied Fornicalia, Caucasoids like myself   are now the statistical minority.BZ]

Servative, Black BrunchSeems that, on Twitter, the phrase “black brunch” is popular.  I had to ask @Servative just what “black brunch” is.  He referred me to this post on Twitchy, and also to this web site, the  That site indicates you can download “black brunch” here in PDF format.  I advise that you do so, in order to understand what’s before us all.

Protesting isn’t un-American.  Protesting is important and has its place in a polite society.  But logical protestation doesn’t include burning buidlings, blocking freeways and streets, rioting, walking into businesses and declaring all Caucasoids within as racist or promoting lingo and phrases that are just flat factually incorrect such as “hands up don’t shoot.”

Michael Brown wasn’t interested in keeping his hands up; he was interested in disarming and charging Officer Darren Wilson.

And Eric Garner wasn’t killed with some stupid “choke hold.”  He died due to positional asphyxia and his poor health, morbid obesity and high blood pressure.  And, oh yeah: committing a crime.  Just like Michael Brown.

Remove the crime and you remove law enforcement involvement.

Had these two individuals not chosen to involve themselves in crime, they would not have been encountered by law enforcement.  It isn’t simpler than that.

“Black brunch” also gets down to this, courtesy of Twitter:

Attention White ManAttention White Man 1Guess if Caucasoids are involved, there is no excuse for being Evil and Guilty.

Except that I am neither evil nor guilty.  By now Leftists should Grok that I don’t succumb to GOWP ploys.  I am invulnerable to same.

Because, frankly, this kind of puerile jejune shite doesn’t play with me, as I know my history.  I know that my forebears fought for the blue.  I have the family pocket watch from the 1800s to prove it, ensconced in a tasteful glass display case given to me by my father and his father before him and his father’s brother before him.  As well as his discharge papers from the blue.

Illiterate persons reading my blog won’t have a clue as to what I wrote in the above paragraph — and that would include the bulk of Leftists and “minorities” today.

I couldn’t care less.  Facts and history are on my side.

Black Brunch Chinese FemaleThe ridiculous Leftist bullshite continues.  Seems like statistics — if one but deems to look for same — would conclude blacks are conducting their own personal pogrom via black gangs.  They don’t need Caucasoids to assist; they’re doing a fine job themselves.

Black Brunch - Berserkeley iPhone StoreMy Caucasoid brain isn’t melting; it’s merely considering the pentasolum of facts, logic, common sense, rationality and proportion.  And I’m sure iPhone customers shouted, hooted and clapped in response to this chick as they tried to purchase Apple products produced by oppressed Chinese workers paid a few cents a day on behalf of Leftists worldwide who absolutely can not do without their iPhones of the newest bent.

Black Brunch for GOWPsCaucasoids have even attempted to guilt fellow Caucsoids.

Millennial Caucasoids must STAND in “deference” and “solidarity.”  Leftist Caucasoids must do so by wrote and training.

Tweet From WaziMillennials are Leftists in training.  Forget about those Millennials sufficiently stupid to have served in the American military.  They’re missing limbs anyway and don’t deserve Leftist attention.

GOWP PushbackThere was a semblance of pushback, but it didn’t amount to much considering guilt hammered into Caucasoids by education.

Leftis GuiltThe Leftist Guilt didn’t stop.

Caucasoid & ProudBut imagine if Caucasoids declared certain streets to be theirs, under the title of “Caucasoid and Proud”?

GOWP Pushback BusinessYeah, I didn’t think so.

Black Brunch FemaleShe shows about as much interest in this stupid topic as I would.  Get me my entree or shut the fuck up and expect me to never come back to your business.

Limp White WomenAnd apparently limp East Coast Leftist White Women broke down everywhere in the face of a melanin count even remotely greater than theirs.  Tears all asunder.

This is BZ.  Yes, I would eat as you “named off” your “dead roll.”  Try naming off the dead Americans who gave their lives for you in World War II.

Black Brunch Caucasoids EatOh yeah, right, that doesn’t count.  More Evil Dead Caucasoids.

White RacisimTo Leftists: you’re nothing but a do-nothing Leftist suck-up on US gubmint welfare.  You produce nothing and you mean nothing.

The Logical Extension: so-called “Black Brunch” produces nothing and means nothing.



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9 thoughts on “Again, “minorities” being racist: black brunch

  1. I like what you said here and want to add that ALL the Leftists have become emboldened under the reign of Barack Hussein Obama.

  2. They try it with me and the fight is on. Don’t care that I’m 70, I’m still a dirty white boy that will die on his feet before he lives on his knees. Not hot air, been there, done that, and have the scars.

  3. Times are a changing.
    Getting more lethal now when controlling or dispersing a crowd.
    Tear gas used to be the norm,then graduated to nightsticks,,and now tazers and arrest.
    I miss the old days using my “cattle prod” to break up groups of hippies in Yosemite NP.
    If you have ever been “prodded”, you haven’t forgotten it, and hopefully a better person after it.
    It’s turned into a shooting war with most of them these days.
    Glad I am retired.
    In a very,very short time,,BZ you will feel the same.

    • Very odd thing; I can’t tell you how many people have approached me privately to ask that I stay for a while longer. Even a Captain. She asked that I come and see if I can “straighten out” (her words) a particular shift. How very odd to be “appreciated” when I’m on the cusp of stepping away.


  4. Read that blackbrunch download. Interesting. Sickening and amusing. “we invite those who identify as Black to stand with us in solidarity”. Is this like transgender, where you don’t have to physically BE female, for example, to identify as a woman? So a white person can go and say, I identify as black and will be welcomed? Hmm.
    It says “Black people around the world face many forms of violence, anti-Black racism, and oppression..” (No doubt due to all those evil white folks in the Congo and Rwanda ) So, if ‘black lives matter’ when will this road show hit Chicago? Those lives don’t matter?
    kAnd this: “The Store liaison: To help mediate between the group and the establishment.. If you wish this to be a non-arrestable action, this person should not be confrontational if the store asks you to leave or refuses to let you in.” So all these eateries we see tweets about gave permission for their spaces to be invaded?? And have their customers harassed? Really??
    What happens if a customer tells them to shut up and get lost? Or a customer gets a heart attack from stress and dies? Seems to me these are mini powder kegs just waiting for a match.
    Seems to me there is creeping anarchy in America and its citizens are slowly being desensitized to it.

    • Willie J will step up. He identifies as black. He said he was the first black president. I suppose melanin really doesn’t count. Unless and until those with upper melanin counts decide so.


  5. “Face down like Mike Brown” should be the chant from the patrons. Lets get it on. The only good Communist is a dead one. Same goes for muslims. Make no mistake the members of this group are Communists. They need to be put down.

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