Did Obama get his wish?

Obama ExtraDo you remember when, on September 25th of 2012, Mr Obama addressed the United Nations General Assembly two weeks after Muslim terrorists killed US Ambassador Christopher Stevens — attempting to create the impression that the assault on the Benghazi Consulate was the result of one incredibly-lame and poorly-produced video found on YouTube?

And do you recall what Mr Obama pronounced?  He said: “the future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.”

Would Mr Obama have said “the future must not belong to those who slander Kim Jong Un?” — who, recently, unleashed a cyber attack on Sony because he was unimpressed with a feature film produced here in the US.

This was not Mr Obama speaking out in defense of free speech.  This was Mr Obama’s White House, like Howard Dean, refusing to acknowledge these killings for what they are: Islamic terror.

Apparently “Islamic terror” is the Lord Voldemort of phrases in the Obama regime.

And this from the president who is systematically releasing terrorist leaders from Guantanamo so that they may return to their so-called “religion of peace” in the fields of jihad against the West.



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5 thoughts on “Did Obama get his wish?

  1. there was a time that i believed obama was simply inept. that he didn’t truly mean to bring down the USA.

    then i stumbled across:
    A Spy Among Friends: Kim Philby and the Great Betrayal
    by Ben Macintyre

    i’m no longer sure.

  2. Remember that President of the United States, Barak Obama said: that he will stand with the muslims.
    Yes, our president is one of them that avow the destruction of the USA, ,,AND HE IS OUR CURRENT PRESIDENT.
    This is what amazes me!
    We have a lot of truly ignorant voters here in the USA.

  3. http://gatesofvienna.net/2015/01/the-west-after-the-charlie-hebdo-massacre/

    “My first thoughts after the Islamic Jihadist attack on the offices of the satirical paper Charlie Hebdo in Paris focused on those who were brutally murdered and the families who lost loved ones.

    My second thought was that this attack had clearly involved some planning. This was not some random crime. It was an act of war, as Geert Wilders correctly pointed out. It was an act of war the same way as the Jihadist attacks of September 11, 2001 in the USA. A war has been declared on Western civilization, yet Western ruling elites refuse to acknowledge this. They still treat Islamic attacks as a law and order problem. It is not. Not anymore.
    The massacre on January 7, 2015 took place in one of the largest cities in Europe, the capital of one of the largest countries in Europe. It hit a target that was already known to be a potential target for Islamic terrorists. Despite this, the country’s authorities were unable to prevent the attack. This is an indirect admission that Western authorities can no longer guarantee the safety of their citizens. There are now simply too many Muslims and potential Jihadists in a country such as France to keep effective control over all of them.

    Charlie Hebdo’s staff were murdered in cold blood specifically because they had made fun of Islam and its founder in some cartoons. Free speech is very important, but it’s one battleground in a wider war to preserve our civilization. The only way we can win is through physical separation. As long as Muslims are here in significant numbers, we will not have freedom of speech. It’s that simple…”

    Read the rest of the article. Well worth it. Fjordman nails it.
    I do see that Fox has now published the “offending” cartoons or as some call them: motoons.

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