Obama: still despises Israel & Netanyahu

Netanyahu Defends IsraelMr Obama still despises Israel and its Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

It’s no more complicated than this: Mr Obama despises the United States for having acquired its power base “on the backs of small brown people,” and Israel for having acquired its power base “on the backs of small brown people.”

Mr Obama will do his best to level these two nations out.  Both the US and Israel need to be knocked down a peg or ten.  Both nations acquired power in a completely unfair fashion.  Power they don’t deserve and power they need to release.

Mr Obama isn’t just refusing to meet with Benjamin Netanyahu.  He is actively advocating against Netanyahu and for his new political opponent.  Doubt me?  Click this link.

PM Netanyahu was invited to speak before the US Congress by Republicans.  Mr Obama refuses to meet with Netanyahu when this occurs.  Yet, Mr Obama will do everything he can to smooth the ruffled feathers of Iran and demands US pols not insist that further sanctions be levied against Iran.

Because, evidently, Mr Obama has such a nuanced and effective plan in place to disarm Iran and make it docile.

Oh my God.  Are Republicans possibly that stupid?

You, my dear readers, know the inherent answer to that question.

From the NYTimes.com:

Administration Official Criticizes Israeli Ambassador Over Netanyahu Visit

by Julie Hirschfeld Davis

The Obama administration, after days of mounting tension, signaled on Wednesday how angry it is with Israel that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accepted Republican leaders’ invitation to address Congress on Iran without consulting the White House. The outrage the episode has incited within President Obama’s inner circle became clear in unusually sharp criticism by a senior administration official who said that the Israeli ambassador, Ron Dermer, who helped orchestrate the invitation, had repeatedly placed Mr. Netanyahu’s political fortunes above the relationship between Israel and the United States.

And yet, Mr Obama will hold Iran in the highest regard.

And yet, Mr Obama cannot even name terrorist organizations.

The Taliban is not a “terrorist organization.”

“Sometimes they carry out tactics that are sometimes akin to terrorism.”

Are you kidding me?



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11 thoughts on “Obama: still despises Israel & Netanyahu

  1. “You didn’t win that Revolutionary War…Someone else did”;

    Hey – SEE? We DO have a transparent president! he doesn’t hide it. It is so obviously clear…Those who have been our worst enemies are now best of buddies and those who WERE our friends and allies are to be shunned, insulted and shat upon!

    Of course, “We the People” also fall into that latter category.

  2. Obama probably denies the holocaust happened, even though there are pictures in the national archives along with detailed accounts.
    I do my part to watch our back, and others do as well, in spite of the Obama Administration.

  3. As a fellow raghead, Obama can’t name the enemy because he is the enemy. This country needs to wake up and fast. New congress needs to block everything Obama proposes until he is out of office.

  4. Iran is now encouraging its ‘allies’ to target Bibi’s children for assassination likewise those of former PMs Olmert and Sharon. They are publishing info and pictures of them. And this is who ‘we’ are negotiating with? This is who should get precedence over a longterm ally? Obama is delusional as are all those who facilitate him.

    And for the administration to criticize the Israeli ambassador is just, well, laughable and arrogant. Bibi’s fortunes and Israel’s fortunes linked.

    Obama’s just been marginalized in public. He don’t be likin’ it.

    • Obama is playing the “Iran Game” on the pretext of conducting “sub-channel negotiations” with Iran. I claim: bullshit. Obama couldn’t negotiate with his own kids.


      • I am so tired of this man and his administration that I wonder if it’s part of a master plan. Get people so tired and frustrated with amateur hour, duplicity and his arrogance that they just start tuning things out because they (we) know nothing will change. Which then gives him more leeway (as if he needs more) to do what he wants. Look at Netanyahu, he loves his country and fights for it. Look at Putin, he unabashedly puts his country first. Look at Jordan who has said if ISIS kills their pilot they will retaliate by hanging the ISIS prisoners they have. And here we sit, ‘most powerful nation on earth’ bla bla with a milquetoast mealy mouth two faced lying conniving…person occupying the highest position in the land who is doing everything in his power to run this nation into the ground. Words fail me.

        • Abigail, have no doubt.

          It IS part of a Master Plan.

          Check my Saturday post about Barack Hussein Obama II.

          Old news but still valid news and ignored news.


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