Your advice to Romney for Wednesday’s debate with Obama?

What would YOUR advice be to Mitt Romney for this coming Wednesday evening’s domestic policy debate with Barack Hussein Obama? [2012 Presidential Debate Schedule is here.]

My immediate advice would be this:

  • Get under the skin of Mr Obama early;
  • Let people see the real B. Hussein Obama;
  • Kill him with FACTS;
  • Point out his shortfalls in domestic policy;
  • Again, hit him with facts: GM, bailouts, the budget deficit, the true cost of ObakaKare, the true cost of CapNTax, the failure of QE1, 2 and 3, Taxmageddon, not one vote for even one of his proposed budgets (Ryan’s got more votes!), Solyndra, complete lack of transparency, his arrogance, his detachment, his disinterest, his lies.

Everyone knows that Mr Obama’s ability to speak contemporaneously is seriously lacking absent a certain piece of technology.  Everyone also knows that in the bulk of the GOP debates Mr Romney came out consistently as the top two best speakers.  Mr Obama tends to fall apart when one does not display the proper formal obeisance.  He dissembles, he stutters, he “ums” and “uhs.”

Mr Obama is an Elitist who doesn’t deserve the title and whose dues have never been paid.

He is thin-skinned, he hasn’t had to work at an actual difficult job, in terms of physical labor or otherwise, a day of his life.  He never had to meet a payroll.  He never had to deal with difficult employees.  He never had to deal with governmental regulations.  He never had to deal with workers comp claims.  He never had to deal with people calling in sick or simply not showing up for work.  He never had to deal with a fryer or a refrigerator that broke down.  He never had to meet business taxes.  He never actually created one fucking job in his life.  Mitt Romney did that and infinitely more.  With humility and logic and planning.

Mr Obama fractures because he cannot take heat and he cannot take confrontation.

Mr Romney needs to provide that heat and that confrontation.

Immediately.  Up front.  In order to promptly set the tone throughout the rest of the debates.

Your thoughts?



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14 thoughts on “Your advice to Romney for Wednesday’s debate with Obama?

  1. “O” has been caught breaking MANY promises and telling MANY lies.
    Focus on that.
    If, during the debate, he can say several times, “Well, you LIED about that. Why should we believe you have any credibility to promise something new”, it couldn’t help but have an effect.
    “You’ve done nothing but disappoint during your term. Fool me once, your fault…”

  2. Facts and BALLS… Don’t let the fact that Obama is the POTUS stop you from going on the attack, have the BALLS to take his head off and shit down his neck! Kill him with facts and TRUTH…

    Truth BURNS Obama like Holy Water burns whatever creature the RCC claims it burns…

  3. It’s too bad the FIRST debate isn’t on foreign policy, because Obama’s “foreign policy” is in absolute tatters right now. . .


  4. You know he is going to hit Romney with the “47% Statement”.

    Romney needs to say, in effect, fellow citizens, I don’t blame you for wanting to protect what you have. What I want to do is turns this system around so that you don’t have to be dependent on the government; that you can make your future for yourself. I want to remove the obstacles in your way.

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