Occasionally, John Boehner speaks the truth

John BoehnerFrom TheHill.com:

by Russell Berman

“What the hell is this, a joke?” Boehner said at his weekly press conference.

He was responding to the administration’s announcement on Tuesday evening that people who had begun the process of signing up for insurance through the federal exchanges would have until mid-April to do so, instead of March 31.

The Speaker called the move “another deadline made meaningless,” adding it to a litany of unilateral changes that the administration has made to the law. 

“This is part of a long-term pattern of this administration manipulating the law for its own convenience,” Boehner said. “It’s not hard to understand why the American people question this administration’s commitment to the rule of law.”

The Speaker mocked the use of the “honor system” to determine who was eligible for an extension after the administration said it would make no effort to ensure that people had actually begun the process of signing up by March 31.

“Why don’t they just say, ‘We’ve moved the date to April 15’? Because that’s in effect what they’ve done,” Boehner said. 

Why?  Because the Obama Administration is deceitful, opaque and lying in its nature.



Hey kids, be gullible, get your “cash prize” for signing up for ObamaKare!

Obama TANTAAFLFrom MarketWatch.com:

Cash prizes for signing up for Obamacare?

Music, money used to reach young people in final enrollment push

by Jonnelle Marte, Marketwatch

With roughly two weeks left in the open enrollment period for health insurance, some groups are trying to sell Obamacare to young people in terms they might actually understand: music, comedy, and cash.

Ah, nothing like more Free Cheese for the ignorant masses!

Ignorant of the facts that, if ObamaKare were so wonderful, it wouldn’t have required passage in the dead of night, “voting for it to see what’s in it,” or any delay, recreation, recrafting or redrafting or altered implementation whasoever.  The lies revolving around ObamaKare are legion in nature.  If you care to have half a brain and a modicum of sentient awareness.

Roughly 2.5 million workers will leave the work force, it is estimated, as a direct result of ObamaKare.  Over 4 million individuals have already lost their healthcare coverage directly because of ObamaKare.  Everyone’s premiums are not going down, they are going up 41$ for individuals and over 50% for families.  It is a job killing bill, and it de-motivates persons from actually working for a living.  Kathleen Sebelius is outright LYING about the actual outcomes for ObamaKare.  Premiums are higher now than the previous eight years combined.

Please allow me to quote Chet Heath, if I might:

They also didn’t tell you that:

1. Regardless of what Obamacare does to you, as a citizen you have no recourse – you cannot make claim against, or sue the government – no matter how badly they hurt you because the Federal Government has “Sovereign Immunity”. Check it out on Wikipedia. By the way – Corporations, such as insurance companies do not have such protection.

2. The Government has a vested interest in your early demise: Dying early reduces your Medicare and Social Security payout and reduces your use of a strained healthcare system. Further, they will tax your estate 100% and get the rest of your wealth for redistribution through inheritance taxes. Quite Simply: You die – they win.

3. There is no oversight – no insurance commission determines that rates are fair or if claims are paid at all. The executive branch sets the rules and decides what it will, or will not enforce.

4. What if Obamacare craters next year and you lose your coverage after paying for it – where do you go? Who pays for the next policy – if you can find one?

5. There is no one to assume responsibility if your financial and health data is compromised, if your identity is stolen, if your personal data is sold to whomever. You screwed up. You trusted them. And if it get’s hacked and your medical history winds up online – oh well, things happen.

6. What will happen if future regimes decide that you can’t get premium healthcare unless you are a member of the “Party” as socialized medicine was implemented under Soviet socialism? Too bad comrade, you are not an elite, only elites have a right to life.

7. If you somehow wind up owing the healthcare system money – who collects – the loving and warm folks down at the IRS who have a comfy cell waiting for you? Bankruptcy won’t protect you from the IRS.

8. They can apparently change the rules at will, bypassing the legislative branch, because they have already set that precedent without challenge from Congress. This year’s rates are nothing compared to what they can charge you next year, or anytime in the future.

Yes, imagine that, Comrade.


Obama's Helpful Big Government


CBO Study: Health care overhaul will cost 2.3 million full-time jobs

ObamaKare Union OpinionFrom the DailyTimesNews.com:


WASHINGTON (AP) — Several million American workers will reduce their hours on the job or leave the workforce entirely because of incentives built into President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul, the Congressional Budget Office said Tuesday.

That would mean losses equal to 2.3 million full-time jobs by 2021, in large part because people would opt to keep their income low to stay eligible for federal health care subsidies or Medicaid, the agency said. It had estimated previously that the law would lead to 800,000 fewer jobs by that year.

Yes.  ObamaKare is an abortion.

It’s the latest indication that “the president’s health care law is destroying full-time jobs,” said Republican Rep. John Kline of Minnesota, chairman of the House Education and the Workforce Committee. “This fatally flawed health care scheme is wreaking havoc on working families nationwide,” he said.

The agency sees the deficit sliding to $478 billion next year before beginning a steady rise years through 2024 that would bring the annual imbalance back above $1 trillion. Overall, it forecasts deficits totaling $7.3 trillion over the coming decade, about $1 trillion more than previously estimated.

“CBO expects that economic growth will diminish to a pace that is well below the average seen over the past several decades,” the report said, citing an aging population and a decrease in the rate of growth in the labor force.

The loving and understanding benefit of ObamaKare.




The biggest Obamacare whopper of all?

Apparently, according to The American Thinker, it wasn’t this:

Which, by the way, did come in as the biggest LIE of 2013 according to the Washington Post.

But, according to American Thinker, this wasn’t the biggest lie either: the fiction of “saving” $2,500 per family:

Which made me create this graphic:

ObamaKare $2,500 Christmas Savings 2 Nor was it this: ObamaKare will be cheaper than your cell phone bill:

But perhaps something even more heinous than those outright, naked, and bald LIES?

From Thomas Lifson at American Thinker: President Obama told an even bigger lie than his promises about keeping your insurance and doctor, if you like them. And Politifact already has a leading candidate for the biggest lie of 2014. Betsy McCaughey explains in the New York Post why his words, “you’re not going to have anybody getting in between you and your doctor in your decision making,” amount to biggest whopper of all.

Which tells me: you are DEFINITELY going to have the government getting in between you and your doctor.  Another sentence from the files of Captain Obvious, in my reckoning.

From the ACA itself with commentary:

Section 1311(h)(1)(B) of the health law gives the secretary of Health and Human Services blanket authority to dictate how doctors treat patients. Not just patients in government programs like Medicare and Medicaid, but patients with private plans they pay for themselves. On Dec. 2, 2013, we learned from the Federal Register that the rules are now being written. Starting in 2015, insurance companies will be barred from doing business with doctors who fail to comply. The rules will be offered in the name of ensuring “health-care quality,” which of course could mean anything.  The powers given to the secretary are so broad, he or she could literally dictate how all physicians nationwide practice medicine,” warns Congressman Phil Gingrey (R. Georgia), himself a physician.

Gingrey is sponsoring a bill to repeal Section 1311(h)(1)(B). Otherwise, he says, the HHS secretary – a Washington bureaucrat with no medical training – could, for example, bar doctors from doing routine mammogram screenings until female patients turn 50. In short, the federal government will be calling the shots on what patients get.

In effect: some nameless, faceless bureaucrat with the same motivation, inspiration, courage, fortitude, competence, education and salary of your average DMV worker drone will be making Life and Death decisions.  About you.  Yes.  True Death Panels.  Sarah Palin was correct.

In consideration of that thought, name one aspect of the federal government — just one — that works flawlessly and is considered the pinnacle of efficiency, modernity and service.  That works, say, as well as Amazon or UPS.

Name one.

The American Thinker notes:

We don’t yet know what those rules will be. But you can be sure that the vast cost overruns of Obamacare will mean extreme pressure to cut medical treatment, especially for people the government deems unworthy of investment. Those Obamacare navigators have to be paid, and there are thousands of new IRS agents who don’t come cheap. So grandpa and grandma will just get pain pills and be told to lie down and die. With the likes of Ezekiel Emanuel offering advice, human life is not going to be the first priority. After all, he is on record that that Hippocratic Oath really is a wasteful approach to allocating resources.

Because Ezekiel Emanual (brother of Rahm) says of that pesky Hippocratic Oath:

The rules have not been announced, but we have some hints from the president’s key health advisor when the Affordable Care Act was written, Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel. Early on, he suggested that doctors take the Hippocratic Oath too seriously “as an imperative to do everything for the patient regardless of the cost or effects on others.” His point was that so long as doctors are in charge, cost control would not be possible. “Vague promises of savings from cutting waste, enhancing prevention and wellness, installing electronic medical records and improving quality of care are merely lipstick cost control,” he said, “more for show and public relations than true change.”

In contrast, ObamaCare empowers the HHS secretary to limit care by imposing top-down regulations directly on doctors and hospitals. Obama’s nominee to run the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), Dr. Donald Berwick, also insisted the federal government must step in between doctors and their patients to curb and redistribute the use of medical resources. Berwick said resources should be allocated based on “important subgroups.” These groups, rather than the individual patient in the doctor’s office, he said, should be the “unit of concern.”

If you are Caucasoid, if you are old, you will not reflect any “unit of concern.”  You shall be cast aside.

Yes.  That horribly effective ObamaKare.

And its Triage By Fiat.

One sage piece of advice to every young American now: don’t ever get old.  If you do, you won’t last long under ObamaKare.

Good luck with that.