Thursday in the Berserk Bobcat Saloon: “Politics and the Paranormal,” with special guest Allen Thomas

It’s obvious that ol’ BZ is a political junkie of the first order.

What people may not know is that I’m interested in the paranormal as well.

With that in mind, the Thursday show will be just a wee bit different insofar as we’ll be discussing Politics and the Paranormal with a very special guest.

I’m pleased to announce the re-scheduling of Allen Thomas.

Allen Thomas, formerly of Paranormal Central.

I first met Allen during the 2012 SacUFOCon held at the Crowne Plaza hotel in Sacramento, California. He and Jeffrey Gonzales were broadcasting live from an area outside the main ballroom and seemingly all alone, though they had clearly taken vast amounts of time to transport their studio all the way from Fresno to Sacramento. That alone is a four hour trip. One way. I watched as Allen and Jeffrey ran their show with its rather extensive set from the interior of the hotel that afternoon.

Allen Thomas was the originator of the Sanger Paranormal Society along with Jeffrey Gonzales, which later transmogrified into Paranormal Central. Allen was the tech and co-host..

I had called into the show on a number of occasions and spoke on the air.

I wanted to feature Allen Thomas because of recent articles referring — in the open — to UFOs, USAF pilots, Area 51, the Pentagon, Harry Reid and dark budgets.

I asked and Allen Thomas responded.

Since leaving Paranormal Central, Allen — whose main interest is in Bigfoot — has his own YouTube channel which features his show Squatch Zone, below.

I do politics. But Thursday night BZ also does the paranormal. You want to listen? Go to SHRMedia,com. Want to watch on YouTube? Go here. SHR Media also has a Facebook page where you can watch as well. Go here..

Don’t miss it. Because, after Allen Thomas has finished, I’m going to throw the phone lines open to one and all — those who may wish to regale us with their own personal encounters with beings and situations that challenge some aspects of our “normal” world.

I too have my very own story.

And oh: did I mention that Allen Thomas is a Sasquatch Hunter?

Be there.
