Leland the Headless Thompson Gunner:

Headless Thompson Gunners(thanks to BobNox)

“Talkin’ about the man.”

From the LATimes, shock of shocks:

Grand jury indicts Sen. Leland Yee, 28 others in corruption probe

SAN FRANCISCO — A federal grand jury indicted 29 suspects, including California state Sen. Leland Yee, with a wide range of crimes, including firearms trafficking and public corruption, U.S. Atty. Melinda Haag announced Friday.

Yee, a Democrat who represents parts of San Francisco and San Mateo County, and other suspects were arrested last week on a criminal complaint that outlined the charges behind the grand jury indictments. Yee was indicted on charges of corruption, wire fraud and gun trafficking, the same charges laid out in the complaint.

Yes.  Fornicalia Senator Uncle Leland Yee who said “It is extremely important that individuals in the state of California do not own assault weapons. I mean that is just so crystal clear, there is no debate, no discussion” — has been indicted.

So, Yee was allegedly involved in gunrunning, murder for hire, and the acquisition of rocket launchers.  No problem or hypocrisy there, yes?

In truth no problem.  Another day in Sacramento’s Belly of the Beast, historically run by Demorats.

I already wrote about Uncle Leland here and here.  CLA did a wonderful audio mash-up here.

Yes indeed; Uncle Leland got caught up in lawyers, guns and money — dad, get me out of this!  He was nothing more than an Innocent Bystander and got caught down on his luck.  He’s a desperate man, the shit has hit the fan.

He is also Leland the Headless Thompson Gunner.

The best part?

If convicted, Yee would face more than 100 years in prison and more than $1 million in fines.

But, of course, these are nothing more than my impertinent opinions.


The actual Roland The Headless Thompson Gunner, on David Letterman:


To Leland Yee: send lawyers, guns and money — Fornicalia’s Demorat Corrupt Trifecta

California Bear Flag, Upside Down FornicaliaFirst, a musical “mash-up” by Michael Patrick Tracy, otherwise known as Conservative L.A. (click on the link below), regarding your friend and mine, soon-to-be-former Fornicalia Senator Uncle Leland Yee:

(Leland Yee/Warren Zevon audio mash-up.)

For those apparently not “in the know,” Uncle Leland (in concert with the ubiquitous Shrimp Boy) caps the Trifecta of corrupt Demorat politicians in the failing State of Fornicalia, to include three Sacramento Demorat politicians having been exposed in three months.  Whee!

There goes your Supermajority, laddies.

From California Political Review:

Considered a prominent and influential member of the Senate, Yee’s arrest marks the third time in as many months that a sitting Democratic lawmaker has appeared in court to face criminal charges. In February, state Sen. Ron Calderon, D-Montebello, was charged with a 24-count indictment in connection with bribery and corruption. In January, state Sen. Rod Wright, D-Inglewood, was found guilty of eight counts of felony voter fraud, perjury and filing a false declaration of candidacy.

The year is young, yes, but to date in Fornicalia we already have the following corruptors:

  • Rod Wright, Demorat (January’s corruptor fold-out)
  • Ron Calderon, Demorat (February’s corruptor fold-out), and now
  • Leland Yee, Demorat (March’s corruptor fold-out)

The hypocritical juicy goodness is palpable (along with my strong sense of schadenfreude) insofar as Uncle Leland stood atop his Demorat soapbox and opined at the top of his lungs about having an honest and forthright Fornicalia gubmint, and how guns should never be in the hands of commoners, proles, serfs, groundlings and so forth.

Uncle Leland said, “It is extremely important that individuals in the state of California do not own assault weapons. I mean that is just so crystal clear, there is no debate, no discussion.”

Apparently the exceptions were to include Tongs and himself. And, oh yeah, rocket launchers.




Fornicalia Demorat/Leftist Senator Leland Yee, who hates guns, is perp-walked by the FBI on gun trafficking charges

Leland Yee, Leftist HYPOCRITE, ARRESTED for GUN RUNNINGLeland Yee, “Uncle Leland,” Leftist Hypocrite (never saw an anti-gun law he didn’t love), gets arrested by the FBI for — you guessed it — gun running.

Fornicalia State Senator Leland Yee, representing District 8 (east central Fornicalia, formerly San Francisco prior to re-districting in 2011), was a former State Assemblyman, SF County Supervisor and President/member of the SF School Board.  He was the second highest ranking Democrat in the California State Assembly.  Yee was a shoo-in for next year’s Secretary of State in Fornicalia.  Perhaps until now.

And now he has an X-ref number in the Sacramento County Main Jail.

From the SanJoseMercuryNews.com:

Yee is charged with conspiracy to traffic in firearms without a license and to illegally import firearms, as well as six counts of scheming to defraud citizens of honest services. Each corruption count is punishable by up to 20 years in federal prison and a fine of up to $250,000, while the gun-trafficking count is punishable by up to five years and $250,000.

The charges are particularly shocking given that Yee has been among the state Senate’s most outspoken advocates both of gun control and of good-government initiatives.

So, yes, Hypocrisy, thy name is Demorat Leland Yee.

Let us not also forget that Leland Yee pulled the proverbial Asian Race Card when he opposed AB376, which banned the sale of shark fins — claiming that it was “an attack on Asian culture.”  Yee said that “targeting the Chinese delicacy” was “another example in a long line of examples of insensitivity to the culture and traditions of the Asian American community.”  Right.  And in direct contravention of other Leftists who believe in trying to preserve the shark population — which has plummeted drastically in recent years — in part and directly because of “finning” sharks solely for the purpose of said Chinese “delicacy.”  In “finning,” the rest of the shark is cast aside and dies a slow death as it sinks to the bottom of the ocean or becomes a meal by other immediate predators..

Please see the unsealed Leland Yee affidavit here.  Nothing like Uncle Leland and Shrimp Boy and Dragon Tin and Ah Fei and various Chinese gangs, to include the Wah Ching and Chee Kung Tong, all lumped up in alleged criminal activities.  That would be heresy, yes?

And guns?  Senator Yee is quoted as saying, “It is extremely important that individuals in the state of California do not own assault weapons. I mean that is just so crystal clear, there is no debate, no discussion.”[60]

Unless perhaps Senator Yee sells them or traffics them.  Absent his direct involvement, he disdains firearms.  Like the old adage, apparently Senator Yee either wants “less corruption, or more of an opportunity to participate in it.”

He may have allegedly found his opportunity, to his current great chagrin.

And yet, despite his arrest on public corruption and gun trafficking charges, Yee was the one who (sorry to use this term, clearly) bloviated away on the necessity for clear and honest gubmint.  Another series of cases revolving around “do as I say and not as I do.”

During an afternoon press conference, State Senate President Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg, D-Sacramento, said “Leland Yee should leave the Senate and leave it now.”

The story drips with irony when it is realized that Leland Yee is a major Fornicalia gun control advocate on all levels.

TTAG (The Truth About Guns) writes insightfully:

Among Yee’s accomplishments, he advocated for . . .

All of the standard Californian gun control laws (50 cal ban, bullet button ban, magazine limits, handgun ban) and was also the first politician to propose requiring the registration of 3D printers when Cody Wilson printed his first gun. And that’s just the Greatest Hits version. Leland Yee was possibly the most outspoken gun control advocate in California after Dianne Feinstein, and now it seems that his campaign against the constitutionally protected rights of his constituents might be at an end.

Damn.  That is so terribly sad.  He said smarmingly.  TTAG also writes:

In what would surely place his likeness prominently on the Mt. Rushmore of Hypocrisy if the allegations are proven in a court of law, famously anti-gun California state Senator Leland Yee has been charged with, in addition to bribery and public corruption…yes…gun running. Specifically conspiring with known organized crime lord Kwok Cheung “Shrimp Boy” Chow to illegally import firearms and sell them without a license . . .

The affidavit charges that the $2 million worth of weapons to have been secreted into the country from the Philippines included rocket launchers and machine guns, some of which Yee himself had fired while on Mindanao. A portion of the weapons Yee conspired to bring into the U.S. through New Jersey were to have been forwarded on to North Africa via Sicily.

From SFGate.com:

The arrest of Yee came amid searches of his office in Sacramento and his home on 24th Avenue in San Francisco’s Sunset District. The bust came after two FBI agents infiltrated a criminal organization headed by Chow, authorities said.

Sources told The Chronicle that the predawn raids, carried out by hundreds of agents from the FBI and the IRS as well as local police officers, stemmed from a fatal shooting more than five years ago.

Both Yee, 65, and Chow, 54, were to appear before U.S. Magistrate Judge Nathanael Cousins in San Francisco on Wednesday afternoon.

And oddly enough, the Demorats seem to sense a gloomy foreboding over the arrest of Leland Yee, insofar as the state’s Top Dem has said:

Darrell Steinberg to Leland Yee: Resign or be suspended

Darrell Steinberg said he was shocked and sickened by the allegations brought against a member of his caucus Wednesday, saying Senator Leland Yee has until Friday to resign from office or face certain suspension.

Flanked by at least 16 of his colleagues, Steinberg characterized the charges against Yee, D-San Francisco, as extraordinary and said they gathered together to express their anger and revulsion at the day’s events.

Which reveals one rather amazing thing: the charges against Yee are so immured in truth as to be beyond resurrection by the greatest incubus and succubus entities the Demorats have to deploy in Fornicalia emergency status.

It would seem that ol’ Uncle Leland was allegedly tooting out both sides of his ass, railing against guns whilst, simultaneously, profiting from said devices.

Another Leftist Hypocrite — and this time, a very deadly hypocrite.  Huh.  Imagine that.