Leland the Headless Thompson Gunner:

Headless Thompson Gunners(thanks to BobNox)

“Talkin’ about the man.”

From the LATimes, shock of shocks:

Grand jury indicts Sen. Leland Yee, 28 others in corruption probe

SAN FRANCISCO — A federal grand jury indicted 29 suspects, including California state Sen. Leland Yee, with a wide range of crimes, including firearms trafficking and public corruption, U.S. Atty. Melinda Haag announced Friday.

Yee, a Democrat who represents parts of San Francisco and San Mateo County, and other suspects were arrested last week on a criminal complaint that outlined the charges behind the grand jury indictments. Yee was indicted on charges of corruption, wire fraud and gun trafficking, the same charges laid out in the complaint.

Yes.  Fornicalia Senator Uncle Leland Yee who said “It is extremely important that individuals in the state of California do not own assault weapons. I mean that is just so crystal clear, there is no debate, no discussion” — has been indicted.

So, Yee was allegedly involved in gunrunning, murder for hire, and the acquisition of rocket launchers.  No problem or hypocrisy there, yes?

In truth no problem.  Another day in Sacramento’s Belly of the Beast, historically run by Demorats.

I already wrote about Uncle Leland here and here.  CLA did a wonderful audio mash-up here.

Yes indeed; Uncle Leland got caught up in lawyers, guns and money — dad, get me out of this!  He was nothing more than an Innocent Bystander and got caught down on his luck.  He’s a desperate man, the shit has hit the fan.

He is also Leland the Headless Thompson Gunner.

The best part?

If convicted, Yee would face more than 100 years in prison and more than $1 million in fines.

But, of course, these are nothing more than my impertinent opinions.


The actual Roland The Headless Thompson Gunner, on David Letterman:


To Leland Yee: send lawyers, guns and money — Fornicalia’s Demorat Corrupt Trifecta

California Bear Flag, Upside Down FornicaliaFirst, a musical “mash-up” by Michael Patrick Tracy, otherwise known as Conservative L.A. (click on the link below), regarding your friend and mine, soon-to-be-former Fornicalia Senator Uncle Leland Yee:

(Leland Yee/Warren Zevon audio mash-up.)

For those apparently not “in the know,” Uncle Leland (in concert with the ubiquitous Shrimp Boy) caps the Trifecta of corrupt Demorat politicians in the failing State of Fornicalia, to include three Sacramento Demorat politicians having been exposed in three months.  Whee!

There goes your Supermajority, laddies.

From California Political Review:

Considered a prominent and influential member of the Senate, Yee’s arrest marks the third time in as many months that a sitting Democratic lawmaker has appeared in court to face criminal charges. In February, state Sen. Ron Calderon, D-Montebello, was charged with a 24-count indictment in connection with bribery and corruption. In January, state Sen. Rod Wright, D-Inglewood, was found guilty of eight counts of felony voter fraud, perjury and filing a false declaration of candidacy.

The year is young, yes, but to date in Fornicalia we already have the following corruptors:

  • Rod Wright, Demorat (January’s corruptor fold-out)
  • Ron Calderon, Demorat (February’s corruptor fold-out), and now
  • Leland Yee, Demorat (March’s corruptor fold-out)

The hypocritical juicy goodness is palpable (along with my strong sense of schadenfreude) insofar as Uncle Leland stood atop his Demorat soapbox and opined at the top of his lungs about having an honest and forthright Fornicalia gubmint, and how guns should never be in the hands of commoners, proles, serfs, groundlings and so forth.

Uncle Leland said, “It is extremely important that individuals in the state of California do not own assault weapons. I mean that is just so crystal clear, there is no debate, no discussion.”

Apparently the exceptions were to include Tongs and himself. And, oh yeah, rocket launchers.