Fake “outrage” over Trump’s words: how about HRC’s “sand niggers”?

hillary-clinton-loving-wordsWhat? Haven’t heard about Hillary Clinton’s verbal abuse? Just wait, it gets worse.

hillary-clinton-margaret-sanger-supportEver hear about that?

hillary-clinton-sand-niggerWait. You must have heard about that. No? Check Wikileaks here if you disbelieve.

hillary-clinton-racistWikileaks also revealing that HRC said:

“The main reason behind successful immigration should be painfully obvious to even the most dimwitted of observers: Some groups of people are almost always highly successful given only half of a chance (Jews*, Hindus/Sikhs and Chinese people, for example), while others (Muslims, blacks** and Roma***, for instance) fare badly almost irrespective of circumstances. The biggest group of humanity can be found somewhere between these two extremes – the perennial overachievers and the professional never-do-wells.”

A heaping helping of massive racism and stereotyping, anyone?

Ever suspect the failure to cover these facts is purposeful?

Trump fesses up and apologizes. Neither Bill nor Hillary will fess up or apologize.

So spare me the false umbrage. It’s political, plain and simple, nothing else.