Obama DHS Purchases 2,700 Light-Armored Tanks to Go With Their 1.6 Billion Bullet Stockpile

From GatewayPundit.com (and not InfoWars):

This is getting a little creepy.
According to one estimate, since last year the Department of Homeland Security has stockpiled more than 1.6 billion bullets, mainly .40 caliber and 9mm.

DHS also purchased 2,700 Mine Resistant Armor Protected Vehicles (MRAP).

What is an MRAP vehicle?  It would be this:

MRAP Vehicle ExplosionAnd it would be this:

MRAPIt is, essentially — at 14+ tons — a tank on wheels.  And a very far cry from the standard LE Lenco BearCat which is popular with law enforcement agencies across the nation regarding SWAT and other specialized applications/units.  See the Lenco BearCat, at 8.5 tons.

Lenco BearCatI’d say there was an — ahem — massive difference between the two vehicles.

Perhaps time to submit a video here:

That seen, though I have been accused of being something of a tinfoil-hat-wearer, I would submit today’s Tom Sullivan show for comparison.  He asked on Monday:


1) According to a report, The Department Of Homeland Security has purchased 2,700 light-armored tanks, 1.6 billion bullets.

This isn’t the hated or disgusted InfoWars; it’s something of a mainstream Conservative reporter wondering what is happening.

You’d have to be brain-dead to think there isn’t some purposeful activity occurring within the continental United States — and it doesn’t have anything to do with the adherence to the Bill of Rights of the Constitution — but instead with the abrogation thereof.

I wrote, earlier, about the issues here:

1. Fox News: the DHS purchase of 1 billion+ rounds of ammunition is no big deal

2. DHS Purchases 21.6 Million More Rounds of Ammunition — WHY?

3. The Obama Administration knows it’s tanking our economy, and is preparing for the resulting civil insurrection:

4. Department of Homeland Security gears up for “civil unrest” come November:

5. DHS Informant: US government preparing for massive civil strife

Many of my federal contacts are surprisingly short of comment.  With one or two exceptions.  But mostly they are silent.  It is somewhat unlike them.

But I would posit a few questions that I’ve no doubt asked before:

Why so many rounds?
Why so many vehicles?
Why so militarily-oriented?
Why no explanation?

Frankly, I simply don’t hear any answers to these questions.  Nor do I hear the questions asked in any kind of a public forum.

I’ll ask these questions and answer them in a future post, using logic, common sense, rationality, proportion and history.


Finally, let’s divide this purchase.  2,700 vehicles parsed amongst 50 states = 54 MRAP vehicles per state.

Look for them to be distributed and parked either in LE agency lots or in NG lots.