Hugh Hewitt: It’s Over. Slam Dunk.

Hugh Hewitt, this evening, says the chance of any resistance to the confirmation of SCOTUS nominee Samuel A. Alito is “over.” Slam dunk. Gone.

An immigrant dad. His son in Princeton. Hugh says the President loves to tell a story and, because of this, the President would logically make this choice.

It is becoming patently clear to me that, from day one, almost from hour one, the Dems by way of the DEMs got into the DEM vein and immediately began to self-destruct. The gang of 14 has already, somewhat, hinted that they will collectively not recommend a filibuster of this nomination and may, in fact, go for the-so-called Nuclear Option.

They have not yet totally coagulated on the issue but it was indirectly hinted there may be unanimity soon. Senator Mike DeWine (R, Ohio) so much as came directly out and said so during the Hugh Hewitt show.

The Dems appear to be drawing the line in the sand from the start. It is theorized that this will be the one nomination that may, in fact, change the face and focus of the court for decades to come. The Battle Royale is indeed coming. Will we be bled by leeches and paper cuts, or will it be from tanks, artillery pieces and the Nuclear Option?

A small aside: I just heard Alan Colmes tonight, on Fox’s Hannity & Colmes label Alito as “an extreme conservative” and ask: “is the appointment of Alito a distraction from the indictment of Scooter Libby?”

Folks, a clarion call: Let the Games Begin!

It got Really Silly (I call this RS) from moment one. Little Chuckie Schumer first had this despicable thing to say regarding Alito:

This morning, I went and visited Rosa Parks in the Capitol Rotunda, to pay my respects. Being in the presence of Ms. Parks was awe inspiring. This was a woman who changed history with one thin dime. She paid her fare, and took her rightful seat on the bus, and America was never the same again. Like Rosa Parks, Judge Alito will be able to change history by virtue of where he sits. The real question today is whether Judge Alito would use his seat on the bench, just as Rosa Parks used her seat on the bus, to change history for the better, or whether he would use that seat to reverse much of what Rosa Parks, and so many others, fought so hard, and for so long, to put in place.

This, on its face, is a ridiculous and straitjacket-moonbat comment regarding an individual that ALL his Democratic cronies confirmed in 1990. No dissenting votes. NOT ONE. Hello? For those of you just tuning in to this post: not ONE Democratic dissenting vote against confirming Alito to the 3rd USDCA in 1990.

LCS, Little Chuckie Schumer, may in fact be eligible for my very first weekly BZ Moonbat Comment Award (the BZ-MCA) — but I’ll hold that in abeyance until I finalize the graphics for this esteemed award.

Then there was the Chris Matthews comment and about it Hugh Hewitt said:

HH: I thought that would be the worst slander of the day, but then Chris Matthews began Hardball tonight, and I want to read this. I’m sitting here holding in my hands a disgusting document, said Chris Matthews, put out not for attribution, but it came from the Democrats. They are circulating it. I can say that. It’s a complaint sheet against Judge Alito’s nomination. The first thing they nail about this Italian-American is that he failed to win a mob conviction in 1988. They nail him on not putting Italian mobsters in jail. Why would they bring up this ethnically charged issue? This is either a very bad coincidence, or very bad politics. Either way, it’s going to hurt them, this document. Not abortion rights, not civil rights, but that he failed to nail some mobsters back in 1988. This is at the top of their list of what they’ve got against this guy. Amazingly bad politics.

Amazingly bad politics indeed.

What will be the Dems Talking Points?

  • Alito is an Extreme Conservative
  • He will, by his very nature, overturn Roe v. Wade
  • He is an elitist; just look at what the GOP said about Miers; c’mon: Princeton?
  • There’s a great deal of difference between 1990 and 2005
  • He’s another Oppressive White Male (OWM)
  • He DEMANDED that females ask for PERMISSION from males prior to abortion (WRONG!)

A few more Moonbat TPs:

  • He defended NC in re: Sasquatch v. Northern Cascade logging;
  • He believes in Global Warming and the eradication of thousands of local ports
  • He thinks that the UN should be the final arbiter of the United States

I suspect that the Dems and the DEMs are absolutely apoplectic because Bush made 1) an End-Around Appointment and 2) the Libby Issue is MAAN: “Much Ado About Nothing.”